Monday Trump Tweets

On Tuesday the state of West Virginia will hold their states Primary election deciding which GOP candidate will square off against incumbent Democrat Senator Joe Manchin. One such candidate is Don Blankenship. Blankenship is sixty-eight years old, a former coal CEO and as the Washington Examiner reports, the ex-con is putting the Republican majority at risk. His crime as the Washington Examiner explains:

He violated federal mine safety standards, causing or contributing to the death of 29 people in the big explosion at the Upper Big Branch mine — the worst mining accident in over forty years.

Blankenship spent one year in prison reportedly calling himself an “Obama Political Prisoner.”

Over the last week Blankenship has grabbed the headlines again when he unveiled his latest campaign ad

The low-budget ad shows Blankenship standing and facing the camera, and in a monotone voice he refers to the Chinese people as “Chinapeople” and says that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s in-laws and his wife, Transportation Secretary, Elaine Chao, are good at making the “Chinafamily,” rich. The end line after the candidate is joined by two small children, “I will beat Joe Manchin and ditch Cociane Mitch for the sake of the kids.”

The National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman Cory Gardner, has pledged to support the winning GOP candidate, as of the most recent polls, Rep Evan Jenkins is at twenty-five percent, while AG Patrick Morrisey is at twenty-one percent, with Don Blankenship coming in third, with sixteen percent.

 The Hill has Don Blankenship’s response to President Trump’s tweet:

“We all really like President Trump’s policies, but we know he doesn’t get things right. He recommended people vote for a guy that was basically accused of pedophilia in Alabama, my accuser is Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, it’s not anyone that I’ve damaged,” he said Monday during an interview the campaign paid to air on WZTS TV in West Virginia.

“It’s really sad that the pressure on the president and the misinformation and the untruths he’s been given would cause him to suggest that you vote for two guys that have failed you, because I will not fail you if I get to D.C.”

The Washington Post reported Sunday, that Gina Haspel, a thirty-three year veteran of the CIA, sought to withdraw her consideration for the post of CIA director, the statement from Haspel came, after having been summoned to the White House Friday, to answer questions surrounding her involvement in the CIA’s interrogation program.  The Post goes on to say, she told officials, that her interest in withdrawing was to avoid a brutal confirmation hearing that might harm the CIA’s reputation and her own in the process. As of Saturday, she was still in, her confirmation hearing is scheduled for Wednesday.

“O” =’s Obstruction of Justice.

It is assumed by many media sources that the “13 angry democrats” is a dig at the Mueller investigation team as reported by USA Today:

Trump did not elaborate, but the “13 angry Democrats” appears to refer to employees in the Special Counsel’s Office who have registered with the party or have given money to Democratic candidates. Mueller himself is a Republican appointee, as is the leadership of the Justice Department.

On Saturday, CNN News reported that District of Virginia Judge, T. S. Ellis decided to wade into the divisive political debate around the Mueller investigation:

“You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud,” Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump’s “prosecution or impeachment.”

After an hour long hearing, Judge Ellis said he’ll make a decision at a later date about whether Manafort’s case can go forward.

Amazon, the full title, “The Great Revolt: Inside the Populist Coalition Reshaping American Politics,” goes on sale tomorrow, it is written by syndicated columnist and CNN contributor Salena Zito and Republican strategist Brad Todd, the two:

have traveled on over 27,000 miles of country roads to interview more than 300 Trump voters in 10 swing counties. What they have discovered is that these voters were hiding in plain sight–ignored by both parties, the media, and the political experts all at once, ready to unite into the movement that spawned the greatest upset in recent electoral history. Deeply rooted in the culture of these Midwestern swing states, Zito and Brad Todd reframe the discussion of the “Trump voter” to answer the question: What next?

Richard Grenell was sworn in, as Ambassador to Germany, on May 3rd 2018, by Vice President Mike Pence.

On Saturday CNN News confirmed that two FBI officials, one Lisa Page, and two, James A. Baker, resigned from the bureau Friday according to sources familiar with the matter, the resignations are unrelated to each other.

Over the weekend it was widely reported that former secretary of State John Kerr has been holding talks with foreign leaders and diplomats in an attempt to save the Iran Deal.

The President has until Saturday to waive or restore sanctions with Iran.

According to their official website, Take Back Day, has not released publicly the numbers of pounds collected on April 28th 2018.

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About Tiff 2564 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.

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