Trump Tweets: They Want to be Where the Action is

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Thursday.

@ 10 a.m. eastern time, DevinCow‘s follower count was 574,000, four days after Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) named the parody account in a lawsuit.

So far for Thursday President Trump has tweeted zero times.

To finish Wednesday the President tweeted nine more times.


President Trump visited Lima Army Tank Plant, located in Ohio.

The video clip is 53 minutes long.

The montage clip is 1 minute long.

Highlights from President Trump’s speech from Lima, Ohio.

White House Transcript

Trump: Now, you’ve got to get over to a place that I like a lot, Lordstown.  And you’ve got to get that.  You know, the only place — General — what’s going on with General Motors?

We have the best economy we’ve ever had.  We have the lowest employment — unemployment that we’ve had in 51 years; soon will be the record of all time.

And what’s going on with General Motors?  Get that plant open or sell it to somebody and they’ll open it.  Everybody wants it.  Sell it to somebody or open it yourselves.  Get it going now and the UAW will help you.  (Applause.)  The UAW — you’re going to help.  The UAW just promised they’re going to help.  Get it open now.  Don’t wait.  They said they have discussions coming up in September, October.  I said, why not tomorrow?  Why not on Monday?  What do you have to wait months for?  Get the discussions going.  Get it open.

Lordstown is a great area.  I guess I like it because I won so big there.  (Laughter.)  But we’re doing a job, and this state has been — we’re very proud of what’s happened in Ohio under our federal auspices.  We’ve gotten so many things done, and this plant is one of our great achievements.

Trump: A lot of people are asking, because they love me, and they ask me about a man named John McCain.  And if you want, I could tell you about — should I or not?  Yes?  Yes?


THE PRESIDENT:  So, I have to be honest: I’ve never liked him much.  Hasn’t been for me.  I’ve really — probably never will.  But there are certain reasons for it, and I’ll tell you.  And I do this to save a little time with the press later on.  John McCain received a fake and phony dossier.  Did you hear about the dossier?  It was paid for by Crooked Hillary Clinton.  Right?


THE PRESIDENT:  And John McCain got it.  He got it.  And what did he do?  He didn’t call me.  He turned it over to the FBI, hoping to put me in jeopardy.  And that’s not the nicest thing to do.  You know, when those people say — because I’m a very loyal person.

John McCain campaigned for years to repeal and replace Obamacare — for years, in Arizona.  A great state.  I love the people of Arizona.  But he campaigned, for years, for “repeal and replace.”  So did Rob and so did a lot of senators.

When he finally had the chance to do it, he voted against “repeal and replace.”  He voted against, at 2 o’clock in the morning.  Remember “thumbs down”?  We said, “What the hell happened?”  He said, two hours before, he was voting to repeal and replace.  And then he went thumbs down, badly hurting the Republican Party, badly hurting our nation, and hurting many sick people who desperately wanted good, affordable healthcare.  We would’ve had it.

This would’ve saved our country over a trillion dollars in entitlements, and we would have ended up making a great healthcare plan, frankly, with the Democrats because they would have had no choice.

McCain didn’t get the job done for our great vets and the VA, and they knew it.  That’s why, when I had my dispute with him, I had such incredible support from the vets and from the military.  The vets were on my side because I got the job done. 

That’s the official White House transcript including the audience reaction.

What President Trump leaves out of his ongoing attacks against the now deceased Senator John McCain (R-AZ) is the fact that he is only being asked about McCain, because the President took to Twitter to attack the late Senator.

Trump: And the other thing is we’re in a war in the Middle East that McCain pushed so hard.  He was calling Bush — President Bush — all the time: “Get into the Middle East.  Get into the Middle East.”

So now we’re into that war for $7 trillion.  Thousands and thousands of our people have been killed, millions of people overall.  And frankly, we’re straightening it out now, but it’s been a disaster for our country.  We’ve spent tremendous wealth — tremendous wealth — and tremendous lives in that war.

And what do we have?  It’s worse than it was 19 years ago.  I call them the “endless wars.”  Nineteen years ago, when we started.

So, John McCain loved it.  I endorsed him at his request, and I gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted — which, as President, I had to approve.  I don’t care about this.  I didn’t get “thank you.”  That’s okay.  We sent him on the way.  But I wasn’t a fan of John McCain.

So now, what we could say is: Now we’re all set.  I don’t think I have to answer that question, but the press keeps, “What do you think of McCain?  What do you think?”  Not my kind of guy.  But some people like him, and I think that’s great.

Now let’s get back and let’s get on to the subject of tanks and this economy.  Because you know what?  We love what we are and what we do more than anything else. 

Again he was only asked about McCain, because he made his tweets, part of the news cycle.

According to MSNBC Producer Kyle Griffin and the Huffington Post, all President Trump had to approve for Senator McCain’s state funeral was the use of the military.


The White House Transcript

Q. Do you know when the Mueller report will be released, Mr. President?

THE PRESIDENT:  I have no idea.  No collusion.  No collusion.  I have no idea when it’s going to be released.  It’s interesting that a man gets appointed by a deputy; he writes a report.  You know — never figured that one out.  A man gets appointed by a deputy; he writes a report.

I had the greatest electoral victory — one of them — in the history of our country.  Tremendous success.  Tens of millions of voters.  And now somebody is going to write a report who never got a vote.

So we’ll see what the report says.  Let’s see if it’s fair.  I have no idea when it’s going to be released.

Q  Have you reversed your policy on Syria?

THE PRESIDENT:  No, no.  We’re — in Syria, we’re leaving 200 people there and 200 people in another place in Syria, closer to Israel, for a period of time.  I brought this out for you because this is a map of — everything in the red — this was on Election Night in 2016.  Everything red is ISIS.  When I took it over, it was a mess.

Now, on the bottom, that’s the exact same.  There is no red.  In fact, there’s actually a tiny spot, which will be gone by tonight.

So that’s ISIS — red, right there — and the bottom one is how it is today.  This just came out 20 minutes ago.  So this is ISIS on Election Day — my election day — and this is ISIS now.  So that’s the way it goes.


Bloomberg reports that Ford Motor Company plans to “spend about $900 million and hire about 900 workers to build electric and self-driving vehicles in Michigan, while moving production of a small commercial van to Mexico from Europe.”

According to the White House transcript President Trump told reporters before departing D.C., for Lima, Ohio, the tariffs on China, well stay even if a deal is reached between the U.S. and China.

for a substantial period of time, because we have to make sure that if we do the deal with China, that China lives by the deal.

President Trump White House Transcript

Politico reported on Wednesday that in February the Commerce Department delivered a “confidential government report has provided President Donald Trump with a legal rationale to impose heavy new tariffs on foreign cars as soon as this spring, a prospect fiercely opposed by White House officials and congressional Republicans alarmed by its enormous economic and political stakes.”

According to Politico the report “concluded that Trump could justify the tariffs on national security grounds and offered a range of options in response — putting the decision in the president’s hands, four people familiar with its conclusions,” said.

Defends Twitter Use

The White House Transcript

THE PRESIDENT:  I think that Twitter is a way that I get out the word when we have a corrupt media.  And it is corrupt and it’s fake.  So Twitter is a way that I can get out the word.  Because our media is so dishonest — a lot of it — the mainstream.  A lot of it.  They don’t report the facts.  They don’t report — as an example that I just showed you, they don’t want to report this, so I figure I might as well show it.

So when I do Twitter statements, I get out the word from a fake and corrupt media.

And I have, on five sites

Q    But is it beneath the office you hold?

THE PRESIDENT:  Please.  Please.

Q    Is it beneath your office?


On five sites, I have over 100 million people, and that includes Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and everything.  And it’s a way that I can get honesty out, because there’s tremendous dishonesty with respect to the fake-news media.

He acts like the same people aren’t following on each of those sites. I could spend a lot of time on the words, “and it’s a way that I can get honesty out,” considering my daily feature excluding some weekends, is the Trump Tweets, where I vet each one, mostly, some aren’t able to be fact checked in a small amount of time, but in doing so, I can honestly say, honesty doesn’t mean what the President thinks it means.

The President tweeted quotes from John Solomon, and Fox Business host Kennedy.

He also tweeted another Fox News Clip, this time, it was solider who was surprising his son.

1. U.S. Foreign Policy Announcement via Tweet

On Wednesday The White House announced that Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu would be visiting the White House on March 25th and 26th.

The Times of Israel reported that an official announcement according to “officials,” who “spoke on the condition of anonymity on Wednesday, to the paper they, “expect an announcement on US recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights,” during the Prime Ministers visit.

According to the article, “Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria in the 1967 Six Day War and extended Israeli law to the territory in 1981, a step tantamount to annexation. But the United States and the international community have long considered it Syrian territory under Israeli occupation. The plateau lies along a strategic area on the border between Israel and Syria.”

2. Executive Order to protect FREE SPEECH on College Campuses.

Moments ago President Trump signed an Executive Order regarding, “PROMOTING FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS: President Donald J. Trump is committed to promoting free speech on college campuses,” The White House said.

At this time his remarks at the signing event, and the EO itself are not available @ the White website.

This post will be updated within reason. 

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About Tiff 2566 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.