Trump Tweets Accusation of Murder, Again, for Tuesday’s Open Thread

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Tuesday aka Day 3 of President Coward’s Twitter Meltdown.

For Tuesday’s President Coward’s Twitter Meltdown he’s tweeted 23 times and retweeted 9 times.

Before we get into today’s tweets let’s recap the number of tweets Dumbass has sent since Sunday.

Mother’s Day Tweets: 21. Retweets: 104.
Monday Tweets: 23. Retweets: 31.
Tuesday Morning Tweets: 23. Retweets 9.
His Three Day Twitter Meltdown total tweets and retweets: 211.

In two tweets the President of the United States aka President Coward accused, again, MSNBC’s Morning Joe host, Joe Scarborough of murder.

7 tweets and about 20 minutes later…

I wish I could say this was the first time he accused Scarborough of murder. It’s not. Let that sink in.

May 4th.

On May 5th, Inside Edition covered the first accusation of murder.

And again, I wish I could say May 4th was the first time that President Asshole accused Scarborough of murder.

November 2017.

The November 2017 as the News Blender covered on May the 4th, 2020, prompted AP to fact-check the claim by President Suck-Face.

According to the November AP Fact-Check, Lori Klausutis, was found dead inside Scarborough’s Fort Walton Beach Congressional Office in 2001.

As they explain the death was not a mystery as it turned out Klausutis had an undiagnosed heart condition that was uncovered during her autopsy. At the time the coroner said that Klaustis passed out inside the office and struck her head. The head injury is what caused her death, but the coroner explained she was not struck by another person.

Her death came a month after Scarborough had announced he was leaving office. AP also notes that at the time of her death, Scarborough was not in Florida, he was in Washington.

Instead of watching his favorite morning show Fox & Friends, according to Matthew Gertz, he was in fact watching Morning Joe.

Politico reported Tuesday morning that the tweet(s) prompted Scarborough to urge the President Idiot to “for the sake of America,” to stop watching his morning show.

I’m not going to spend a lot of time fact-checking the other tweets, unless of course they are actual news worthy like the above accusation of murder.

The rest of the tweets.

Worries aloud about he and Vice President Pence getting COVID-19 and the result being a President Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

Tweet Quotes The Epoch Times and talks about strong “Borders.”

President Coward shows himself like the baby he is, abruptly ending Monday’s Rose Garden event when a female reporter asked him a question he didn’t like. *sad face*.

Prior to his Twitter Meltdown Tuesday morning late Monday he accused the female journalists of conspiring together.

For those that missed the exchange with President Baby and CBS News reporter Weijia Jiang with a side exchange with CNN Kaitlan Collins.

The exchange starts the CNN clip before moving to Wolf Blitzer and guest to discuss the exchange. It’s well worth the viewing of the exchange between President Coward and the journalists.

President Coward moves on to focus on the scandal that wasn’t.

More attacks on media personalities.


Asked Monday to explain what crime President I Don’t Know Anything is accusing former President Obama of, I Know Nothing President said, “you know what the crime is. The crime is very obvious everybody.”

Moves on to quote an article about sexual harassment by commenting on ratings of the accused.

Tells CA to vote in Tuesday’s Special Election.

He moves on to show us all he’s also bad at Math…

For What It’s Worth.

Blames China via Chinese American’s.

This is just my opinion based on the exchange between Weijia Jiang and President I’m a Moron.

But based on how the “ask China,” comment is being viewed as racist by some, my opinion of the above tweet is that it’s to try and cover for the newest charge of racism against President Coward.

Moves on to once again lie about his approval rating among Republicans.

Apparently the new Trump Campaign slogan…


We are the BEST in the World, but remember the question from Weijia Jiang, was a nasty question.

President Credit Seeker…

President If Not For Me where would you be…

President I Won’t Wear a Mask because it’s not manly announces he’s taking another trip after possible exposure to the coronavirus.

Encourages more voting this time in Wisconsin.

President Brag’s a lot.

President that thinks he’s King…

May 7th.

Moves on to negative interest rates.

I think he means the Federal Reserve should go negative on interest rates.

Happening right now, that’s probably in part if not wholly responsible for President Coward’s three-day meltdown.

Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments regarding President Always Under IRS Audits financial records release to Congress.

Also currently happening Coronavirus Task Force testimony via teleconference on The Hill.

This post might be updated.

This is an Open Thread.

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About Tiff 2566 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.