Trump Tweets “COVID-19 (China Virus)”, for Tuesday’s Open Thread

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Tuesday.

President Cray-Cray has tweeted 3 times and retweeted 2 times so far for Tuesday.

President Boxed-In starts his day retweeting a tweet from April 28th, 2020, and follows that up with a retweet from June 23rd, 2020, only to finally tweet, a quote from the Washington Times, allegedly.

On Monday Valerie Richardson with the Washington Times wrote an article titled “Coronavirus death rate keeps dropping even as alarm grows over summer surge.”

According to Richardson “The number of Americans dying from COVID-19 has been falling for weeks, a case the White House is making as it points out that the U.S. fatality rate is well below that of Europe’s biggest countries.”

The quote “COVID-19 *(China Virus) Death Rate Plunges From Peak In U.S.,” does not appear in her article.

*When I searched the article the only appearance of the words “China Virus,” stemmed from a President Dipshit tweet from Monday.*

Richardson quotes Alex Berenson author of Unreported Truths About COVID-19 and Lockdowns, who told her in an email, “Deaths can lag positive cases by a couple of weeks, but they should not lag by a *month or more. So the decline in deaths is evidence that either the rise in positive tests is occurring mainly among younger people at low risk, doctors are getting better at treating COVID, doctors in [New York] and the early states made unfortunate and possibly preventable mistakes, or the virus itself is becoming less dangerous.”

Berenson did not respond to Twits Tweet however he did post this tweet this morning.

And this from Monday.

*It should be noted that coronavirus death does not occur in an instant. For example; Broadway actor Nick Cordero, 41, passed away on Sunday following his hospitalization from the coronavirus in March. The Hollywood Reporter reported that Cordero, had his right leg amputated, and was hoping to receive a double-lung transplant prior to his death. It was originally thought Cordero had pneumonia when he entered the hospital in March.*

The CDC reported as of Monday:

CDC data. 07/06/2020.

For his next two tweets President Please Love Me, posted a 9 plus minute clip, I assume the opening segement, of the Fox News show, Tucker Carlson Tonight, followed by a 4 plus minute clip from the same show.

For the first clip I made 1 minute and 18 seconds Carlson says, “Trump is most dangerous to his enemies [he means liberals] when he tells the truth.”

In the next clip he bitches about a Washington Post article, the mayor of Nashville with the chyron reading “it’s now ok to attack our country & our ideals,” in all caps.

It’s in the second clip the sitting U.S. President Tweets, that Carlson attacks Democratic Senator Tammy Duckworth saying the Iraqi veteran hates America. And can she as a hater actually lead the country you hate.

Duckworth is said to be on former Vice President Joe Biden’s VP list.

The show President Can’t Buy a Clue tweeted aired Monday night.

The White House live-feed of the National Dialogue on Safely Reopening America’s Schools. The event is currently happening.

USA TODAY has feed scheduled to start in two-hours, when President So Busy is scheduled to join the National Dialogue.

This post might be updated.

This is an Open Thread.

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About Tiff 2565 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.