Tell Me Something Good 5/30/21

Tell Me Something Good logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul and Word Clouds.

The news these days is often depressing at worst and frustrating at best. It’s easy to get caught up in the spin cycle and let it get us down. Never fear… The News Blender has you covered. Once a week we feature Something Good and, in return, all you have to do is tell us something good that has happened to you this week, something you are thankful for, a joke, a cute animal story, an inspiring tale of heroics, a Random Act of Kindness… SOMETHING good.

Today’s something good is a random act of kindness that would undoubtedly make the recipient’s day.

Krystal Duhaney is a registered nurse, the mother of two, and the founder of a company that supports breastfeeding parents.

Krystal and her husband Patrick know what it is like to struggle financially as new parents. “When we had our first child, we struggled to make ends meet, just like most new parents,” she told KABC.

She recently posted a video on Instagram in which the couple happily tucked money into formula cans and boxes of diapers to help out the parents who ended up purchasing those items. In all, they secreted away about $1,000 in various baby items in several Target stores.

Krystal said, “We really wanted to make things a little easier. Hopefully brighten their day and hopefully inspire others to kind of, you know, spread joy and kindness.”

In addition to the desire to inspire others to follow their lead in spreading joy, Krystal said she and Patrick wanted to set an example to their two young kids that kindness matters.

Paying it forward and anonymously helping out a total stranger who may desperately need a few dollars is definitely something good. It’s a great idea – one doesn’t need to give a large sum of money to make a difference. $10 dollars tucked under the lid of a can of formula might mean the world to the one who buys it.

Now it’s your turn… Tell me something good!

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About Beth 2711 Articles
*Principle above party * Politically Homeless * Ex GOP * Tribalism is stupid* NeverTrump ≠ Pro Hillary. Anti-GOP ≠ Pro Dem. Disagreeing with you ≠ Liberal. Counter Social: @NoMorePlatosCave