Missouri Governor Facing Possible Impeachment

On Thursday the Missouri Legislature announced that they will call a special session to consider impeaching Republican Governor Eric Greitens following allegations of sexual misconduct and misuse of charity resources.

The move comes as the embattled Governor faces two felony charges and refuses to step down even as both parties have called for his resignation.

The first indictment provided by document cloud:

Count I The defendant, in violation of Section 565.252, committed the class felony of invasion of privacy in the first degree, punishable upon conviction under Sections 558.011 and 560.011, in that on or about March 21, 2015, in the City of St. Louis, State of Missouri, the defendant knowingly photographed K.S in a state of full or partial nudity without the knowledge and consent of KS. and in a place where a person would have a reasonable expectation of privacy, and the defendant subsequently transmitted the image contained in the photograph in a manner that allowed access to that image via a computer.

The second indictment provided by St. Louis Post Dispatch:

Count 1 Tampering With Computer Data To Defraud Or Obtain Property (value $500 Or More) (Class D Felony) RSMO 569.095 ON 4/22/2015 Time: PLACE: City of St. Louis, MO (SCC 569.095-001Y200229)

Or, in the alternative to Count I:

Count 2 Tampering With Computer Data To Defraud Or Obtain Property (value $500 Or More (Class D  Felony) RSMO 569.095 ON 4/22/2015 Time: PLACE: City of St. Louis, MO (SCC 569.095-001Y200229)

As CNN News reports the decision by the state lawmakers to consider impeachment adds a new layer to the Governors woes given that the Statehouse is firmly controlled by Republicans.

Governor Greitens’ trial for his first felony charge starts on May 14th.

The special session cannot begin until May 18th, the day the regular Legislature session ends.

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About Tiff 2902 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.

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