TNB Night Owl – Running On Empty

Runners.  They’re energetic.  They’re full of endorphins.  Most of them want others to run, too.  It’s a gleeful, sweaty cult of healthy cardio systems and repetitive stress injuries.

Some people are envious of them.  Some find them smug.  One thing is certain: while almost everyone can run a few yards, not everyone can run a distance event.

Until now.  Welcome to Boerne, Texas, and the event held on May 5, 2018: The Boerne .5 K, The Race For the Rest Of Us.

Boerne is a town situated near San Antonio, and it held the first .5K – 500 meter – race as a fundraiser for Blessings In a Backpack, a charity founded by Hillary Duff that provides weekend food for kids who are dependent on school meals.

(An aside – while I’d prefer that the kids were fed by their parents, both on school days and weekends, I’d also prefer, if the parents either cannot or, sadly, in some cases simply don’t want to feed their kids, that a private group steps in rather than expect the government to be further ingrained as the default provider for children.)

The race course was sloped downhill, had a smoke break area, had a place that served beer near the starting line and had more beer available near the finish line.  If people were too late to sign up, they could still “participate” by donating and get a t-shirt, a participation medal and a “super pretentious oval 0.5k bumper sticker.”

More than $30K was raised to help feed kids.  The event was a massive success.

And for those who are now curious… there’s always next year.  It appears it’s going to be an annual event, according to the organizers.

So, for the OPEN THREAD question : What other events do you think should be parodied for charity?


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Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About AlienMotives 1991 Articles
Ex-Navy Reactor Operator turned bookseller. Father of an amazing girl and husband to an amazing wife. Tired of willful political blindness, but never tired of politics. Hopeful for the future.

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