Monday Trump Tweets

The May border arrest numbers have not been released yet, but border agents told the Washington Post spring sees a rise in border arrests when seasonal labor demands increase. Lawmakers from both parties have told Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, that a worker shortage is effecting many industries in their states. Last week DHS said the will issue 15,000 seasonal guest-worker visas.

As no other President in our modern history has attempted to pardon themselves there is no set legal precedent to point to that says yes or no to a President pardoning himself. However, there is a memo used from the Department of Justice, circa 1974, that states, “Under the fundamental rule that no one may be a judge in his own case, the President cannot pardon
himself,” that says, no a president may not pardon himself.

If a president attempted to pardon himself, it would only go so far as Federal criminal charges not State charges and as Johnathan Turley, a constitutional law professor at George Washington University Law School, told the Washington Post, while he believes a president can pardon himself, that pardon would not save the president from being impeached for abuse of power:

“A president cannot pardon out of an impeachment. Congress, can use his pardon as an abuse of his office.”

Politico quotes President Counselor Kellyanne Conway, via her appearance on Fox and Friends, as saying, “this whole exercise of whether he’ll pardon himself is a ridiculous question on its face because you would pardon yourself if you’ve done something wrong.”

Press Secretary Sarah Sanders seemed to dismiss the concern American’s should feel toward Presidential abuse of power,

When challenged she says the President has done nothing wrong.

President Trump’s tariffs on steel and aluminium went into effect on Friday, causing unrest for our allies and renewed threats of a trade war.

As a reminder President Obama also attempted to get tough on “China,” the result was the cost of U.S. jobs and raised prices.

As CNN pointed out in January of 2017 President Obama slapped a 35% tariff on Chinese tires in 2009 saving 1200 U.S. tire jobs, and tire production rose after a major decline, however, according to a 2012 study from the Peterson Institute of International Economics found that the tariffs cost American’s in many other ways.

The studies model showed, “higher prices from the tire tariff cost Americans an extra $1.1 billion, which translated to an estimated 3,731 retail jobs lost.”

CNN concludes that while the U.S. tire production recovered, it did not surge, and that the Chinese tire jobs did not come to the U.S. instead they went to the next cheapest country.

Democrat lawmakers responded

Senate Minority Leader

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About Tiff 2927 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.