Sunday Trump Tweets

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

The Summit between President Trump and Kim Jong un ended with the signing of a joint statement. At the time of the signing it was unclear what the two countries had agreed to, but after releasing the four-hundred and thirty-five word joint statement it clearly did not include details on how the goals established would be reached nor the consequences for either country not following through on reaching the goals, most specifically denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

Daniel Henninger is the Deputy Editorial Director for the Wall Street Journal and also a Fox News contributor.

The Department of Defense has not released an official cost of the joint military training exercises, but CBS News, estimates the cost of the three bomber planes used totaling $3, 470, 337. The article also quotes spokesmen for the Department of Defense as saying, “the Department of Defense continues to work with the White House, the interagency, and our allies and partners on the way forward following the U.S./DPRK summit.”

The next scheduled joint military training exercise is scheduled for August and at this time has not been cancelled.

Of note, according to several news source, it’s unclear if the money would be “saved,” or just spent on a different training exercise.

Reuters  has a small time-line of events throughout history when talks between the U.S. and North Korea have broke down.

Arms Control Association has a detailed look at the U.S. history with North Korea.

Several Washington Post employees sent an open letter to owner Jeff Bezos, asking for “All we are asking for is fairness for each and every employee who contributed to this company’s success: fair wages; fair benefits for retirement, family leave and health care; and a fair amount of job security.”

They have also responded to President Trump’s support of their cause at the link posted above


We welcome public support in our campaign to achieve a fair contract with The Washington Post. However, we view President Trump’s tweet as an attack on us and our mission, and it is not helpful to our cause. Although we are pressing our case with our owner over workplace issues, we stand with Jeff Bezos and our fellow journalists in the fight to bring truth to light.

The President then re-tweets 4 of his own tweets


Saturday (tweets)

Ending his Sunday Morning Tweets with

Utah States Attorney General John Huber, appointed by Attorney General Jeff Sessions is currently investigating Hillary Clinton and the FBI’s handling of the email investigation.

The Inspector General just released a report at the conclusion of their investigation into the FBI’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

Once again Happy Fathers Day from The News Blender 

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Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2900 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.