News From The Future – Allies Edition

Time travel depiction. Image by Kjordand


It’s Canada Day today, but the talk of the country centers not around their foundation as a country but rather around the retaliatory tariffs put into place and the upcoming meeting of former Prime Minister Stephen Harper with White House officials.  Opinions of Trump are very negative, and there are a mixture of hopes that Harper may be able to restore the relationship with the United States and feelings of betrayal that Harper, a prominent Canadian leader, is reaching out to a President seen as hostile to their country. (CBC) (Toronto Star) (TNB)


Mexico holds its national elections today, with more than 3000 offices contested.  Favored to win is Manuel Lopez Obrador, the former Mexico City Mayor who has made fighting against corruption a key plank of his platform.  Obrador is an open Marxist, and has vowed that any NAFTA agreement reached before he takes office will be honored while warning that if he takes office prior to a NAFTA agreement, he will be revising Mexico’s stance in the talks.  This is likely to set the NAFTA talks back months if not years, and has a strong chance of scuttling them altogether.  (BBC) (CNN) (TNB)


Brexit is on the mind, as Theresa May fights people within her own cabinet about how to proceed with Brexit.  Amid threats from the EU – some blatantly false – about penalties that will arise if Brexit is carried out, May is searching for a “soft exit” even as others pursue a “hard break”.  Tensions are high.  There are multiple paths ahead, some are likely disastrous, and leadership is at odds over which are the disastrous courses.  Amidst the discord, May’s political rivals from other parties are seeking to gain ground.  May is going to be meeting with her cabinet at Chequers on Friday for a meeting on Brexit.  The results of the summit will be key in deciding Britain’s future. (UK Times) (Telegraph) (Guardian)

These are three of the key stories that will be breaking this week.  We will be covering them all in more depth as details arise.

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About AlienMotives 1991 Articles
Ex-Navy Reactor Operator turned bookseller. Father of an amazing girl and husband to an amazing wife. Tired of willful political blindness, but never tired of politics. Hopeful for the future.

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  1. Stephen Harper Meets With Kudlow At White House

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