Thursday and Friday Trump Tweets

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.


CBS News — On Thursday President spoke in both Iowa and Illinois to praise his economic polices. CBS news reports he saved “his most energetic remarks for a recently reopened U.S. Steel facility in Granite City, Illinois.”

Some quoted highlights from Granite City.

“If you don’t have steel, you don’t have a country.”

“I look at the faces of you people. I could be one of you.”

Before he spoke in Illinois, President Trump held a roundtable discussion with the agriculture industry in Dubuque, Iowa.

During the roundtable discussion he praised “leaders at the table, talking about ethanol, and blasting Sen. John McCain’s health care vote last year, without naming him. Mr. Trump said “one man” decided “late in the evening” to break with the party. “Isn’t that wonderful?” Mr. Trump said.”

During his speech in Illinois the President is reported as saying, “We lost $817 billion a year, over the last number of years in trade. In other words, if we didn’t trade, we’d save a hell of a lot of money.” (the remark comes in the posted video above at around the 14:00 minute mark)

This is the second book promotion this week by the President…

The first he did directly from the Oval office….

Opinion: America has never been closed for business.

CNN: Friday morning the remains of possibly 55 American Servicemen killed during the Korean War started the journey back to American soil, where they will be laid to rest, after they are tested for identification in Hawaii.


AOL/Yahoo Sports — Dallas Cowboy owner Jerry Jones, his son, Stephen Jones CEO of the Cowboys announced on Wednesday that players, have to stand for the national anthem if they do not, they could stop being a Cowboy. The CEO went further in a radio interview adding that players aren’t even allowed to be in the locker room during the anthem, which violates the NFL leagues policy.

The New York Times — On Thursday the Times reported that special counsel Robert Mueller “is scrutinizing tweets and negative statement from,” President Trump in regards to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and former FBI director James Comey, according the three people briefed on the matter, the team is looking at possible Obstruction of Justice via tweet statements.

The News Blender — The former personal attorney of President Trump, Michael Cohen has alleged that President Trump not only know of the now infamous meeting, but also approved the meeting to go forward.

Wall Street Journal — 2nd quarter growth 4.1% for April through June, the revised first quarter GDP was 2.2%. China’s tariffs were put in place in July, economist who were surveyed by the Journal early July “expected the pace of growth would cool in the third quarter to 3%; and to 2.9% in the fourth.”

For editorial thoughts on the GDP growth @ The News Blender

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.