Trump Surprises Hannity

The New York Times — Friday President Trump made a surprise appearance on the Sean Hannity radio show to promote the newly released GDP numbers, during the roughly half an hour segment, Hannity asked one last question to President Trump.

That question focused on the mid-terms, with Hannity explaining that historically the sitting President’s party loses about fifteen or so seat’s in congress and what would President Trump tell those people that may support him, but not support their RINO congressmen, “I am going to work very hard,” President Trump said.

President Trump explained that he has directed his chief of staff John F. Kelly along with others on his staff to “compile a list of about two dozen” of those races that have a vulnerable republican so he could use his “bully pulpit to promote the Republicans running in them, “I’ll go six or seven days a week when we’re sixty days out and I’ll campaign for all of these great people that do have a difficult race, and we think we’re going to bring them over the line.” He adds that based on how well “we” are doing with our economy “I just don’t see any reason why we should lose.”

President Trump is scheduled to hold a rally in Tampa, Florida on July 31st, where he is expected to support U.S. Rep Ron DeSantis as his pick for governor. Shortly after his Tampa rally, the President will travel to Pennsylvania and hold a rally on August 2nd.

The interview with Hannity can be found here, it’s been cued to their conversation about elections, but the full replay is available.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.

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