Everyone had a lot of fun with the images yesterday. The original idea was to have a bit of political humor on one day every weekend, just to help blow off some steam at the stupidity being rained down upon us from “leaders” throughout the world. It was going to rotate between a few different formats, asking people to help us out in the comment threads (because we desperately need to laugh, too.)
But there’s a lot of stupidity out there, and worse, there are a lot of photos that are just begging for a caption. Lenny was kind enough to step up and provide us with another batch of them on just a little more than a moment’s notice. And then he found more.
So, revised plan… we’re going to have a bit of political humor on one day every weekend. It will rotate between a few different formats, asking people to help us out in the comment threads. Granted, that doesn’t sound like there’s a revision. On the other weekend day, however, we’re going to give Caption This its own regular slot, because we all had a lot of fun with it.
And this way we get two relaxation days on the weekend, because we’ve earned them.
In order to help inaugurate the newest regular feature, I ask only that you enjoy some of the pictures provided, and if you feel so inclined, caption them.
Above all, have fun. It’s Sunday!
Picture #1

Picture #2

Picture #3

Picture #4


Picture #6

#1 Defender of the Constitution. Slayer of radical Democrats. Vote Senator Cruz.