Monday & Tuesday Trump Tweets:

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.


President Trump resumed his tweeting Monday at 3:35 p.m. issuing two tweets in a row about Hurricane Florence and telling people in Florence’s path to heed the warnings and prepare. 

Second Hurricane Florence tweet sent at 3:41 p.m. 

At 5:18 p.m. President Trump tweeted that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) was “holding up” 320 confirmations to fill spots still empty in Trump’s cabinet. 

According to the Washington Post’s confirmation tracker as of Tuesday 9/11/18 184 people have been formally nominated, 155 positions have no nominee, 10 are awaiting nomination, formally from the President and 357 have been confirmed. The Post does note that, “Judiciary and non-civilian positions are excluded. Totals include some posts that are not being tracked as ‘key positions’ in the appointee database.” They are only tracking the roughly 1200 key positions for President Trump’s administration. 

The President at 5:52 tweets that he was “briefed via phone,” about Hurricane Florence, telling followers that the storm “is very dangerous,” he’d like everyone to know that the government is “here for you,” and asks that everyone “Be SAFE!” 

Opinion: From all of us at the News Blender our thoughts are with those in Hurricane Florence’s path please do stay safe, if you are in the area. 

He continued tweeting about Florence at 7:17 p.m. 

And again at 7:21 p.m. 

Fourteen minutes after President Trump issued his storm warning tweets he without comment posted a one minute and four second video clip that is a montage of former President Obama, current President Trump, a Fox News clip, and a CNBC News clip. 

The video is all about the economy. This clip was President Trump’s last tweet for Monday. 


President Trump re-tweeted @ 7:12 a.m. a tweet about 9/11 that was sent by his social media director Dan Scavino Jr. in between his first tweet which is posted below @ 7:08 Tuesday morning and his second tweet that was sent @ 7:19 a.m. 

President Trump sent 3 tweets on Tuesday

The first, @ 7:08 a.m. quoting a news segment between Fox Business show host Lou Dobbs and Fox Business contributor Sara Carter that discussed newly released texts sent between former FBI agent Peter Strzok and former DOJ lawyer Lisa Page in which the two talked about media leak strategy.

The second, @ 7:19 a.m. President Trump complains that “NOTHING is being done at the DOJ or FBI,” regarding the texts between Strzok and Page.

The third tweet sent @ 7:41 a.m. complains that if Eric Holder, former Attorney General under former President Obama, was still in charge the “Justice Department, would be acting, “no differently than it is.”

The segment which aired on Monday, was to discuss Sara Carter’s article that appeared on Sara Cater dot com. The article focused on the “newly discovered” texts between Strzok’s, and Lisa Page and the letter sent to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein by Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep Mark Meadows (R-NC) in which Rep Meadows questions the texts that appear according to Meadows show an effort by Strzok’s and Page to coordinate media leaks harmful to the “Trump Administration.” 

The texts in question that Meadows calls, “troubling enough,” are from April 10th, 2017 and April 12th, 2017. According to Meadows he believes Strozk and Page, leaked information on the 10th of April to the press. The leak was on former Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page, the media outlet was the Washington Post, who published on April 11th, 2017 article that discussed the FISA warrant that had been obtained in October 2016 against Carter Page. 

The texts taken from Meadows letter 

Strzok’s attorney Aitan Goelman, has issued a statement via NBC News, “The term ‘media leak strategy’ in Mr. Strzok’s text refers to a Department-wide initiative to detect and stop leaks to the media. The president and his enablers are once again peddling unfounded conspiracy theories to mislead the American people.” 

7:59 a.m. President Trump tweets about his now personal attorney and former mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani calling him a “TRUE WARRIOR” 

President Trump at 8:24 a.m. tells Twitter he is departing D.C. to attend a memorial service in Shanksville, PA, to honor those that perished on Flight 93. 

At 8:58 President Trump remembered 9/11

President Trump at 11:32 a.m. tweeted the memorial service from PA honoring Flight 93. 

The video is seventy-four minutes long President Trump’s speech starts at the fifty-seven minute mark. 

12:48 a.m. without comment President Trump tweets out a link to a Breitbart article that talks about Small Business Optimism. 

for more on Hurricane Florence @ The News Blender here and here

for more on remembering 9/11 seventeen years later @ The News Blender here, here, and here

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About Tiff 2934 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.