Tuesday Evening
Tuesday evening found President Trump resuming his Tuesday tweeting @ 5:22 p.m.. The Tweet shared pictures of himself with the President of Poland, Andrzej Duba, who visited the White House on Tuesday.
Today, it was my great honor to welcome @prezydentpl Andrzej Duda of Poland to the @WhiteHouse! pic.twitter.com/VdsTYdq9MN
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 18, 2018
President Trump and President Duba’s full remarks about what the two leaders discussed can be found @ The White House.
7:42 p.m. President Trump sent a video message regarding Hurricane Florence. The clip is 1:22 seconds long.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 18, 2018
Trump: I just want to thank all of thee incredible men and women who have done such a great job in helping with [Hurricane] Florence. This is a tough hurricane. One of the wettest we have ever seen from the standpoint of water. Rarely have we had an experience like it and it certainly is not good, but the people of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, all of the areas effected, you’ve been incredible. There has been a loss of life and may God be with them and their families, that’s a tough one. Its tough to understand, but this has been a really difficult period of time for a lot of people. FEMA the job you’ve done, the military, Coast Guard, what you’ve done in saving so many lives has been really something special. Law enforcement always, again, I just want thank everybody for doing such a great job with a very difficult situation. Florence has been a nasty one, a big one, like that area certainly has never seen before. So the waters are still rising, listen to your state and local authorities, be patient, be alter, and God Bless you.
At 11:45 p.m. President Trump tweeted about the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court is one of the main reasons I got elected President. I hope Republican Voters, and others, are watching, and studying, the Democrats Playbook.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 19, 2018
President Trump’s first two tweets on Wednesday came at 12:04 a.m. and 12:11 a.m. where he discussed North Korea, Hero remains, and “Nuclear,” inspections.
Kim Jong Un has agreed to allow Nuclear inspections, subject to final negotiations, and to permanently dismantle a test site and launch pad in the presence of international experts. In the meantime there will be no Rocket or Nuclear testing. Hero remains to continue being……..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 19, 2018
….returned home to the United States. Also, North and South Korea will file a joint bid to host the 2032 Olympics. Very exciting!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 19, 2018
North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un and South Korea President Moon held a joint press conference on Wednesday in Pyongyang, Reuters reported that the two leaders have “agreed to turn the Korean peninsula into a, “a land of peace,” without threats of nuclear weapons.
The Japan Times reports that Kim Jong Un, has agreed, “to “permanently” decommission a key missile facility under the watch of “experts from relevant countries” and said it is willing to close its main Nyongbyon nuclear complex if the United States takes commensurate actions, South Korean President Moon Jae-in said after a summit in Pyongyang with North leader Kim Jong Un.” The Japan Times also reports that Kim Jong Un, plans to travel to Seoul “in the near future.”
For more on the summit between the two Korean leaders @ The News Blender
The President again issued two tweets the first @ 7:34 a.m. and the second at 7:40 a.m. quoting Peter Ferrar who was a guest on Fox & Friends.
“The recovery got started on Election Day 2016. It took Trump’s Tax Cuts and Regulation Cuts to get the economy booming. Before that it was the worst and slowest economic recovery since the Great Depression. It took just 6 months for Trump to get to 3%, even though they said…..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 19, 2018
….it was impossible – and then already it’s over 4%, and I expect it’s going to grow faster and faster. We’re just getting started here.” Peter Ferrara, former advisor to President Reagan. @foxandfriends
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 19, 2018
The video clip is 2:42 seconds long.
At 7:43 a.m. President Trump tweets a quote, “North Korea recommits to denuclearization – we’ve come a long way.” President Trump tags @ Fox News Twitter account.
.@POTUS: “We had very good news from North Korea, South Korea.” pic.twitter.com/V1xxdCm9LZ
— Fox News (@FoxNews) September 19, 2018
As the President was departing for North Carolina on Wednesday to survey Hurricane Florence damage he spoke with reporters. In the 1:18 second clip above, President Trump praises the meeting between the two Korean leaders, talks about the tremendous letter he received from Kim Jong Un, and once again explains that we were heading to war with North Korea before he took office.