Friday President Trump will host his 14th MAGA rally for the month of October live from Charlotte, North Carolina.
The rally comes just hours after an arrest was made in the case of the thirteen IED’s that were mailed to prominent Democrat figures, including former President Barack Obama as the News Blender reported, the suspect, 56 year-old Cesar Sayoc, was taken into custody Friday morning and has been charged with five federal crimes, and if convicted could face fifty-eight years in prison, Attorney General Jeff Sessions also explained these charges could expand as the investigation continues.
President Trump spoke with reporters before departing D.C. he was asked if he planned to call the Obama’s, he replied, “If they wanted me to, but I think we’ll pass.”
He was asked a question that was not audible, but based on his response, it appears to be regarding his tone, used in tweets, and at rallies, his response:
Trump: Well I think I’ve been toned down. You wanna know the truth. I could really tone it up. Because as you know the media has been extremely unfair to me and the Republican party. [reporter shouts how, but President Trump does not answer] I think the media has been very very unfair in terms of the Republican party and the way its been covered. And they understand that, they write articles about that. Many of them admit that, but the media has been unbelievable unfair to Republicans, Conservatives, and certainly to me, but with all of that being said we’re winning, so I like that. Thank you very much thank you.
Live Feed 1 CBSN
Live Feed 2 Fox News
President Trump will also hold according to a rally on Saturday from Murphysboro, IL, one on Wednesday (Halloween) from Fort Myers, FL, and one on Thursday Nov 1st, from Columbia, MO.