Tucker Carlson has faced a backlash after his latest controversial comments about immigrants on December 13, with advertisers pulling their ads from his show, Tucker Carlson Tonight, which airs on Fox News Channel. IHOP is the latest advertiser to yank their ads from the controversial FNC host’s show, Politico reports.
In an email to Politico, a spokesman for IHOP said, “At our core, we stand for welcoming folks from all backgrounds and beliefs into our restaurants and continually evaluate ad placements to ensure they align with our values. In this case, we will no longer be advertising on this show.”
Last Thursday evening, in his opening monologue, Tucker said that our leaders demand that we accept that “we’ve got a moral obligation to admit the world’s poor… even if it makes our own country poorer, dirtier and more divided.” He added, “Immigration is a form of atonement. Previous leaders of our country committed sins. So, we must pay for those sins by welcoming an endless chain of migrant caravans.” He went on to name Nancy Pelosi and Paul Ryan as examples of the liberal leaders who demand acceptance of the idea of “immigration-as-atonement”.
The Washington Post reported on Saturday that Pacific Life had pulled their ads, which had run moments after Carlson’s “poorer, dirtier and more divided” comment.
Pacific Life issued a statement explaining their stance.
Since Carlson’s comments on Thursday, at least 14 advertisers have pulled their support after threats of boycotts. Landrover, Just For Men, Ancestry.com, Voya Financial, and TD Ameritrade are a few of the fleeing advertisers, per Hollywood Reporter.
The Fox host doubled down on his comments on Monday and said that the backlash was part of an effort on the parts of liberals to shut him up.
Politico reports that some advertisers, Mitsubishi, Farmers Insurance and John Deere, will continue to advertise on the show and The Hill states that Bayer and Alka Seltzer have no plans to pull their ads as well. The ads that have been pulled have only been pulled from Tucker’s show – they will be aired elsewhere on FNC so the media outlet will not lose revenue.
The Hill reports that Fox News has come out with strong support of their controversial host, saying, “We cannot and will not allow voices like Tucker Carlson to be censored by agenda-driven intimidation efforts.” The statement went on to say, “He is now once again being threatened via Twitter by far left activist groups with deeply political motives. While we do not advocate boycotts, these same groups never target other broadcasters and operate under a grossly hypocritical double standard given their intolerance to all opposing points of view.”
The FNC statement also pointed out that Carlson’s family had been the target of bullying when antifa activists protested at his DC home in November.
Carlson pointed out the environmental cost of illegal immigration in his monologue on Monday, illustrating his “dirtier” comment from December 13 with images of the garbage immigrants leave behind as they cross the border. He also said about the liberal effort to silence him, “It won’t work with this show. We’re not intimidated. We plan to try to say what’s true until the last day.”
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