Trump Tweets: The “Best” Of 2018 Edition

Image created by Lenny Ghoul with help from

According to Trump Twitter Archive, President Trump has tweeted 3495 times between January 1st, 2018, and December 30th, 2018.

Yeah, I know, that number seems awfully low, but on average that means the President Tweets 9 times a day. There are days he misses, for whatever reason, but he makes up for the next day after his tweeting break.


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President Trump often uses this phrase during campaign rallies.


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President Trump uses the term “Witch Hunt,” to describe the Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia Investigation.


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President Trump announced he was replacing Rex Tillerson with CIA Director Mike Pompeo. Tillerson was only notified after this tweet was sent out, that he’d been fired.


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Fake News is what President Trump calls all media outlets that are not FOX News.


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In early May it was reported that the FBI used an informant that met with Carter Page, a one-time foreign policy adviser for President Trump’s campaign and George Papadopoulos, who pleaded guilty to lying to Federal Investigators, regarding contact he had with Russia, during 2016.

Based on a Lou Dobbs story the President insisted for weeks, that his campaign had been spied on, it wasn’t.


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First Lady Melania Trump in June took a surprise visit to the Southern Border. While boarding the plane, and while exiting the plane, she wore a jacket with the words, “I Really Don’t Care Do U?” written on the back, she did not wear the jacket during her visit at the border.


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Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey along with his team @ Twitter have explained they do not shadowban users.


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Prior to President Trump’s confession tweet, he denied the meeting was about getting information on Hillary Clinton, he originally said the meeting in Trump Tower, was about adoption.


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In October the News Blender carried live 13 President Trump Campaign Rallies.


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The Republican’s maintained the Majority in the Senate, while they lost the majority in the House of Representatives. The new Congressional year starts on January 3rd, 2019.


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Happy New Year!!!

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.