Watch Live Press Secretary Sarah Sanders Holds A Briefing

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Image Capture by TNB.

Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is expected to hold a White House press briefing @ 1:30 p.m. eastern time. 

This will be her first press conference according to The White House YouTube Channel since November 27th, 2018. 

Some of the questions Sanders might field include, the delayed sentencing hearing of Michael Flynn, whether or not the government is going to shut down on December 21st., well President Trump still take his planned sixteen day Christmas vacation if the government shut’s down, and the Trump Foundation being shut down. 

Live Feed 1 CBS News 

Live Feed 2 FOX News 

Live Feed 3 NBC News 

Programming alert: I am working on the Trump Foundation article along with Trump Tweets for later. 

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.

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