Trump Tweets: No Collusion

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Friday.

Happy Friday.

To finish his executive time on Twitter on Thursday, the President tweeted twice and re-tweeted once.

In one tweet he endorsed Senator John Cornyn of Texas, with his “full and complete,” endorsement ahead of the 2020 election cycle.

In another tweet he posted a video of his remarks from the Reception for National African American History Month, that was held at The White House.

His last action on Twitter was to re-tweet pictures from the same event that had been issued by First Lady Melania Trump.

Friday President Trump has so far tweeted 3 times.

1. NO COLLUSION…The Witch Hunt, so bad for our Country, must end!

This is the third time President Trump has mentioned Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) and his investigation into Russian Election meddling.

As the New Blender reported Burr during a CBS interview explained the Committees work is not finished, no final report has been released as of yet.

Trump Twitter Archive has this tweet as the third tweet where the President appears to demand an end to an investigation into his campaign and their possible ties to Russia Election meddling.

As a reminder: The President’s onetime lawyer Michael Cohen is except to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee in a closed door session sometime next week, while he is also expected to testify before the House Oversight and Reform committee in a public setting on the 27th of February according to

2. Fake News is so bad for our Country!

According to Wayne Dunlap’s Twitter bio, he is a travel blogger.

For What it’s Worth: The President still has not weighed in on the arrest of Coast Guard Lieutenant Christopher Hasson, who the government has accused of wanting to “murder innocent civilians on a scale rarely seen in this country.”

According to court documents Hasson had a hit list that included not only sitting U.S. Senators and U.S. Reps., but also included media personalities critical of the President such as Joe Scarborough of MSNBC News’ Morning Joe, and Chris Hayes also with MSNBC.

Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters on Friday, that typically the President condemns the violence first, while the media blames the President.

Asked about a new U.S. District Judge’s ruling that stated the current Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta while a U.S. Prosecutor in Florida, violated federal law when he failed to inform victims of Jeffery Epstein that the government had entered into a non-persecution agreement with Epstein, Sanders explained the White House was “looking into,” it.

Asked if the President still had confidence in his Labor Secretary Sanders says, “again we are looking into it, I’m not aware of any changes.”

In his 33 page ruling U.S. District Judge Kenneth Marra writes:

The facts, as culled from affidavits, exhibits, depositions, answers to interrogatories and reasonably inferred, for the purpose of these motions, are as follows: From between about 1999 and 2007, Jeffrey Epstein sexually abused more than 30 minor girls, including Petitioners Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2 (hereinafter, โ€œPetitionersโ€), at his mansion in Palm Beach, Florida, and elsewhere in the United States and overseas.

Marra Ruling

The Miami Herald explains that instead of Acosta prosecuting Epstein “under federal sex trafficking laws,” Epstein was allowed to plead guilt in Florida State court to “two prostitution counts,” and received only 13 months in a Palm Beach County Jail. The article notes, “His accomplices, some of whom have never been identified, were not charged.”

Judge Marra has given the parties fifteen days to “inform the court,” on “how they wish to proceed on determining the issue of what remedy, if any, should be applied in view of the violation.

3. A must read by…

Opinion: Promoter of Deep State say’s what?

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.