Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Friday.

President Trump’s Acting Attorney General is facing a barrage of questions by the House Judiciary Committee.

President Trump finished Thursday on Twitter by tweeting 4 more times.

In one tweet he explained it was his great honor to sign, “a Presidential Memorandum launching the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative.” In another tweet he acknowledged “fallen astronaut heroes.” He goes on to tweet his thanks for “how well” his “State of the Union speech was received.” In his final Thursday tweet he talks about a CBS interview with Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Richard Burr (NC).

For Friday President Trump has tweeted 4 more times, mostly focused on the same CBS interview with a side of there is “NO COLLUSION!”

1. @GreggJarrett


4. Someday the Fake News Media will turn honest & report that Donald J. Trump was actually a GREAT Candidate!

On Thursday the tight lipped Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr (NC) sat for a interview with CBS News, the interview focused on the committees 2 year on-going investigation revolving around Russia 2016 election interference.

Some highlights:

CBS explains the investigation by the intelligence committee began in January 2017 a week before President Trump’s inauguration.

So far the committee according to CBS News has interviewed 200 witnesses and reviewed 300,000 pages of documents. Plus the committee has held “more than a dozen public hearings and released two interim reports.”

Asked why the investigation is taking so long Burr explains, “It’s not the people that were on the deck that we knew about that lengthened the time. It was the people that we didn’t know about that we came to the conclusion — either for the campaign interactions or for this bigger picture that we’re looking at — that extended the timeline.”

CBS News explains that just by adding one new witness to the list can add “at least three weeks to the investigation,” given the logistical preparations, scheduling, and legal counsels involvement.

Asked if there was collusion he stated, “If we write a report based upon the facts that we have, then we don’t have anything that would suggest there was collusion by the Trump campaign and Russia.”

In what comes next for the committee CBS News explains that Burr is aware his committees findings will be tested by what the Special Counsel Robert Mueller Russia Investigation finds, “He has said he’s comforted by it, in part because Mueller, by virtue of having more and better investigative tools, may provide answers that proved elusive to his team.”

Burr told CBS News that his committee is not waiting for the Mueller Report, “If I can finish tomorrow, I would finish tomorrow.”

The final Burr quote from the CBS interview:

Burr: And I think the most difficult thing that we’ve had to do is to separate fact from fiction through the whole process, because if we took every story that you — meaning the media — wrote, or every rumor that’s out there, we would never finish.

CBS News says he laughed a final time add offered the quip, “There are too many Russians.”

2. John Solomon of @thehill

From John Solomon’s opinion piece featured at The Hill:

Which bring us to the issue of some photographs taken at the prestigious Aspen security conference last July.

They show Schiff meeting at the event with Fusion GPS Founder Glenn Simpson, one of the key and most controversial figures in the Russia collusion scandal. Both men insisted to me through spokesmen that they met only briefly last July.

John Solomon The Hill

Solomon writes that Simpson issued a statement regarding the photos stating, “In the summer of 2018, Mr. Simpson attended a media-sponsored social event where he exchanged small talk with Rep. Schiff and many other people who were in attendance. The conversation between the two was brief and did not cover anything substantive. There has been no subsequent contact between Mr. Simpson and Rep. Schiff.”

This post will be updated within reason if President Trump adds more tweets.

This is an Open Thread.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.

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