Trump Tweets: Thank You

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Thursday.

As the News Blender reported the summit between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong un, was cut short, without progress being made by either country.

After a 37 minute press conference President Trump boarded Air Force One for his return trip to Washington, D.C..

So far on Twitter President Trump has tweeted once and re-tweeted the Department of State one time.

1. THANK YOU to our generous hosts in Hanoi this week…

Department of State re-tweet…

The Department of State clip includes the President’s opening remarks, where he thanks the people of Vietnam, the leadership, and mentions what the President calls “reasonably attractive news,” from Pakistan and India. Also included in the clip above are Secretary of State Mike Pompoe’s remarks where he explains that “we made real progress,” over the last 24, 36 hours, but “unfortunately, we didn’t get all the way. We didn’t get to something that ultimately made sense for the United States of America. I think Chairman Kim was hopeful that we would. We asked him to do more.  He was unprepared to do that. But I’m still optimistic…”


In my attempt to provide some highlights from President’s Trump’s presser, I have failed, simply because as I watched the clips I was simply stunned by only a few things, while these things shouldn’t stun and/or shock me, I find myself still surprised.

First, once again on foreign soil, President Trump dismisses his own American National Intelligence.

The reporters question in part: you have seen Chairman Kim increase the number of missiles he’s produced and continue to produce more nuclear material. And that’s been a pressure point on you, because he’s showing you the arsenals getting larger while this is going on.

Trump’s reply in part: Well, some people, David [Sanger from the New York Times] are saying that, and some people are denying that.  They have shots from above — way above — and some people are saying that and some people aren’t.

Second, and probably the most shocking was President Trump absolving Kim Jong un of any responsibility in the death of 22 year-old University of Virginia student, Otto Warmbier, who had been arrested in North Korea and sentenced to 15 years hard labor for allegedly stealing a propaganda poster. Warmbier was released in 2017, in a coma and died shortly after.

He is asked by a reporter if the two leaders discussed Warmbier’s death, the President says:

I have.  And I have, and we have talked about it.  And I really don’t think it was in his interest at all.  I know the Warmbier family very well.  I think they’re an incredible family.  What happened is horrible.  I really believe something very bad happened to him, and I don’t think that the top leadership knew about it.

And when they had to send him home — by the way, I got the prisoners back.  I got the hostages back.  And Otto was one of the hostages, but Otto came back in shape that was not even to be talked about.  I find it — I thought it was horrible.  Now, the others came back extremely healthy.  But Otto came back in a condition that was just — just terrible.

And I will — I did speak about it, and I don’t believe that he would’ve allowed that to happen.  Just wasn’t to his advantage to allow that to happen.  Those prisons are rough.  They’re rough places.  And bad things happened.  But I really don’t believe that he was — I don’t believe he knew about it. He felt badly about it.  I did speak to him.  He felt very badly.  But he knew the case very well, but he knew it later.  And, you know, you got a lot of people.  A big country.  A lot of people.  And in those prisons and those camps, you have a lot of people.  And some really bad things happened to Otto.  Some really, really bad things.  He tells me that he didn’t know about it, and I will take him at his word.

Third, the President once again complains that military exercises between our country and South Korea are “unfair”… because “we spent hundreds of millions of dollars,” he adds, “I hated to see it.”

Our military trains to defend our interests, their safety, depends on military exercises in order to be ready, in case the unthinkable happens…

The clips are provided by Vox Journalist Aaron Rupar.
The transcript are provided by the White House.

This post will be updated within reason. 

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About Tiff 2937 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.

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  1. Trump Says Comments About Otto Warmbier “Misinterpreted”

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