Whitaker Tell’s Judiciary Chairman He Won’t Testify Unless the Democrat’s Drop Their Subpoena

Acting United States Attorney General Matthew Whitaker. Photo by US Department of Justice.

On Thursday just a day before he is set to testify before the House Judiciary Committee, Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker writes Democrat Chairman Rep. Jerrold Nadler, stating that he will not testify unless he is assured he will not be subpoenaed.

According to the Washington Post, in his letter, Whitaker set a 6 p.m. Thursday deadline for the Democrats to respond.

CNN reports that early Thursday the House Judiciary Committee “voted to authorize a subpoena for Whitaker ahead of his Friday testimony.”

CNN goes on to explain that according to a Senior Justice Department official who spoke with the media outlet explaining that, “This is a breach of the agreement,” and a “striking departure from long-standing processes,” regarding the passage of a subpoena prior to testimony.

In his statement, Whitaker, via The Washington Post, states, “I remain willing to appear to testify tomorrow, provided that the chairman assures me that the committee will not issue a subpoena today or tomorrow, and that the committee will engage in good faith negotiations before taking such a step down the road.”

Wednesday, via Twitter, Nadler posted a letter he sent to Whitaker outlining his expectation for Friday’s testimony.

As the News Blender has reported, questions swirl around what Whitaker is sharing with the White House regarding the Special Counsel Robert Mueller Russian investigation and his public comments regarding the same investigation.

For What it’s Worth: The Senate Judiciary Committee voted on Thursday, along party lines, to advance the current Attorney General nominee William Barr out of committee to receive a full Senate vote sometime next week.

The House Judiciary Committee hearing is scheduled for Friday, February 8th, 2019, at 9:30 a.m..

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About Tiff 2902 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.