Courthouse News reports North Carolina’s State Election Board has set a new election for District 9.
The primary will be held on May 14. If a runoff primary is needed, that will fall on Sept. 10, which would be the date of the general election if there is no runoff. In the event of a runoff primary, the general election would be held Nov. 5.
A brief update from the TNB here, here and here on the Ebola outbreak from where last we left off in November about the new outbreak spreading in the Congo within the active war zone in the eastern region of the country which borders with Uganda, a region that has been untouched by the disease until now and WHO had warned could become “a “perfect storm” of factors preventing its containment.”
By mid-August WHO had reported 51 confirmed cases and 44 having died, but “because security cocerns were preventing aid workers from reaching certain areas” it was making the spread of the virus more possible. WHO spokesman Tarik Jasarevic their worst-case scenario that “at least 1,500 people could be exposed to the virus” because of “blind-spots where the epidemic could take hold.”
By September’s end reports were “about 100 people have died and 150 cases of the virus have been confirmed across two vast provinces, North Kivu and Ituri.” As civilians flee conflict, worst fears were being confirmed as an escaped infected Ebola patient turned up in the town of Tchomia, which serves as a disembarking point for fleeing refugees “who pack onto boats that take them to Uganda, on the other side.”
TNB 20 October 2018
Today the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s (DRC) ministry of health confirmed there are now officially 907 cases of Ebola in an 8-month long outbreak in the country’s North Kivu and Ituri provinces, reflecting 10 new cases in 2 days.
Seven new cases were recorded today: two each in Katwa and Mandima, and one each in Butembo and Masereka. A total of 223 suspected cases are still under investigation.
Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP)
WHO spokesman Tarik Jašarević wrote in an email that “the recent attacks on Ebola treatment centres in Katwa and Butembo indicate a major deterioration of security in the region.” The “first such large-scale and organized attacks targeted directly at the Ebola response,” he noted, “they are of a different order of magnitude to episodes of mistrust in communities or dangers of being caught in crossfire as fighting parties engaged.”
Disruption caused by the attacks will probably lead to increased spread and more people becoming sick, he