Mueller Finishes Russian Investigation

Special Counsel Robert Mueller 2012. Photo By The White House

Friday shortly after 5 p.m. eastern the Special Counsel Robert Mueller has submitted his report to the Department of Justice’s Attorney General William Barr, the Washington Post reported.

According to the Post, “The Justice Department notified Congress late Friday that it had received Mueller’s report but did not describe its contents. Barr is expected to summarize the findings for lawmakers in coming days.”

At this time we have zero idea what is contained inside that report, most of the reporting currently is still speculation, beyond the fact that Mueller has handed in his report.

For What It’s Worth: Mueller was appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in May of 2017.

For a look at the indictments and pleas deals brought by the Special Counsel’s Office @

Press Secretary Sarah Sanders has responded.

Here is the letter from Attorney General William Barr.

According to the letter, AG Barr plans to confer with Deputy AG Rosenstein, and Robert Mueller, as to what from the report can be made public.

MSNBC News Channel reported that the press has been asked to stay in Florida until 7 p.m. eastern.

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About Tiff 2927 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.