Trump Tweets: Another Low I.Q., Individual

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Monday.

President Trump finished Sunday’s Executive Time by tweeting another 6 times, and re-tweeting 15 times.

For Monday President Trump has tweeted so far 6, 8, 10, 11 times.

1. General Motors and the UAW are going to start “talks” in September/October.
2. Get that big, beautiful plant in Ohio open now.

In November of 2018 as the News Blender reported General Motors Company announced they would be, “transforming the global enterprise to advance the company’s vision of Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions, Zero Congestion.” 

The statement at the time explained that four U.S. based plants, one Canadian plant, and two overseas plants would be closing as a result of the transformation.

President Trump weighed in on the decision tweeting at the time he was “disappointed,” with the companies decision.

Saturday President Trump tweeted that General Motors “must get their Lordstown, Ohio, plant open.”

Sunday he tweeted that he spoke with General Motors CEO Mary Barra.

Prior to his tweeting about the conversation he had with Barra, he tweeted that Democrat UAW Union President David Green “ought to get his act together and produce,” he added, “G.M. let our Country down,” he concluded his tweet by stating, “I want action on Lordstown fast. Stop complaining and get the job done!”

Bloomberg reported on Monday that General Motors did not reply directly to President Trump’s tweets regarding the announced plant closures from November, the company did issue a statement, “To be clear, under the terms of the UAW-GM National Agreement, the ultimate future of the unallocated plants will be resolved between GM and the UAW. We remain open to talking with all affected stakeholders, but our main focus remains on our employees and offering them jobs in our plants where we have growth opportunities.”

In a telephone interview UAW Union President David Green told Bloomberg, “We have produced and my act is together. Come on down and have a look.’’

Bloomberg notes the current deal between General Motors and the UAW Union, expires in September.

Opinion: I’m old enough to remember when Republicans wanted the Government out of private businesses business.

3. Thank you!

This tweet is President Trump’s seventh tweet regarding the 93% approval rating among Republicans, the first was in January of 2019.

4. Get used to it, another low I.Q. individual!

Opinion: ha ha ha ha *gasp* ha ha ha ha.

In September of 2018 The New York Times published a rare anonymous Op-Ed written allegedly by a senior White House official. During a rally event the President tripped over the word anonymous, twice.

5. So Ridiculous!

As Politico explains “a shooter opened fire at two mosques in Christchurch on Friday, killing 50 people and injuring dozens more. The suspect, 28-year-old Australian Brenton Tarrant, praised Trump as a symbol of white identity in a rambling 74-page manifesto posted online before the attacks.”

The article goes on to say that, “In the wake of the shooting, a number of Democrats — including Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Rep. Rashida Talib (D-Mich.) — publicly criticized the president for failing to condemn white nationalists and suggested his inflammatory language contributes to the violence.”

Thursday as the News Blender reported, President Trump told Breitbart News, that he had “tough people,” even though they don’t play tough, “until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.”

Asked on Friday in wake of the shooting if white nationalism was a rising threat around the world, President Trump said, “I don’t really. I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems. It’s certainly a terrible thing.”

6. Wow!

USA Today explains that “Fifty percent say they agree with Trump’s assertion that the special counsel’s investigation is a “witch hunt” and that he has been subjected to more investigations than previous presidents because of politics; 47 percent disagree. Just 3 percent don’t have an opinion.”

The article goes on to say, “There is, unsurprisingly, a stark partisan divide on that question: 86 percent of Republicans but just 14 percent of Democrats say Trump is the victim of a “witch hunt.” Among independents, 54 percent say he is; 42 percent say he isn’t.”

The article does not give the numbered surveyed or the margin of error, however, according to Suffolk University the poll was conducted between March 13th, and March 17th, with 1000 registered voters being surveyed via telephone interviews, the margin of error, +/-3 percentage points. They add, “error margins increase for smaller subgroups in the cross-tabulation document above. All surveys may be subject to other sources of error, including but not limited to coverage error and measurement error.”


U.S. Debt is now 22 trillion dollars according to the Clock.

The New York Times reported in early March, that the trade deficit “in goods with the rest of the world rose to its highest level in history last year as the United States imported a record number of products, including from China, widening the deficit to $891.3 billion and delivering a setback to President Trump’s goal of narrowing that gap.”

The Wall Street Journal published an opinion piece from the Editorial Board on Sunday that asked if the steel tariffs were working.

According to the article, “the trade deficit in steel increased last year by $1 billion as exports (measured in dollars) fell 7% and imports rose 1%.”

They go on to offer an example, “U.S. imports from Turkey fell by 930,000 tons last year. But Turkey exported 330,000 more tons to Canada and 780,000 more tons to Italy. European steel makers have complained that a flood of imports is driving down prices. But lower prices have made European manufacturers more competitive. Some U.S.-based manufacturers like Harley-Davidson have also moved production to Europe to dodge retaliatory tariffs and take advantage of lower steel prices.”

According to the Editorial Board in 2017 steel makers added 2,200 jobs, but in 2018 they only added 200 jobs.

8. Propaganda Video–Clip from Fox News/Business

The clip is seven minutes long.

9. My team is staying in close contact with Governor Kim Reynolds.
10. We are staying in close contact with Gov. Kristi Noem.

Des Moines Register reported that Governor Kim Reynolds (R) toured areas of Iowa over the weekend into Monday.

The article explains that Mills County Emergency Management Director Larry Hurst told the paper the flooding experienced in Iowa is different from any other flooding event he can recall, “this is actually different even than the flood of ’52. Cause I’ve got water all the way to the Loess Hills. There’s water on this entire basin.”

Asked when the water will go down Hurst said, “to tell you the truth, I don’t know. I don’t think anybody knows.”

KTIV Channel 4 reports that on Friday Governor Kristi Noem signed an Emergency Declaration that allows state agencies flexibility to help counties.

In her briefing she explained that South Dakota “had a very serious situation,” adding, “we had severe blizzards in the western and central part of the state, a couple of feet of snow. And a lot of people are still stranded throughout the state. And down here we are seeing pretty historic flooding.”

11. Another Fox News Video Clip

The clip is seven minutes long.

For What It’s Worth

On Sunday President Trump via tweet accused the Democrats of trying to steal “the Presidential Election,” via the “ballot box,” first, but when that did not work they attempted to steal it again via the “insurance policy.”

Opinion: I assume the “ballot box,” he is referencing in this tweet means the popular vote won by Hillary Clinton.

The reason I’m noting it here is to highlight the fact that President Trump is once again making serious accusations with very little push back, these kinds of tweets, are not normal, they should never be viewed as normal, but sadly, I think most people are immune to President Trump’s insane behavior via tweet. They say things like “it’s just a tweet, tweets don’t matter,” and by and large that’s correct, however, he’s the President of the United States, everything he does and says matters, or at least it should.

This post will be updated within reason. 

This is an Open Thread.

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About Tiff 2937 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.