On Tuesday Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein issued his resignation letter to President Trump. According to the letter his tenure will end officially on May 11th, 2019.
In his letter he explains that the Department of Justice (DOJ) has made “rapid progress in achieving the Administration’s law enforcement
priorities reducing violent crime, curtailing opioid abuse, protecting consumers, improving immigration, and building confidence in the police.”
He adds that “our nation is safer,” and that, “our elections are more secure.”
Rosenstein in his letters quotes Thomas Paine, President Trump, Attorney General Robert Jackson, Edward Levi, and John Ashcroft.
Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigues of supporting it.
Thomas Paine quoted by DAG Rosenstein.
a nation exists to serve its citizens.
President Trump Inaugural Speech quoted by DAG Rosenstein.
the inner ramparts of our society the Constitution, its guarantees, our freedoms and the supremacy of law.
Attorney General Robert Jackson quoted by DAG Rosenstein.
make clear by word and deed that our law is not an instrument of partisan purpose, and it is not…to be used in ways which are careless of the higher values…within us all.
Edward Levi 1975 quoted by DAG Rosenstein.
A professional Justice Department…free from politics….uncompromisingly fair…defined by integrity and dedicated to upholding the rule of law.
John Ashcroft quoted by DAG Rosenstein.
Before he quotes President Trump, Rosenstein thanks him for the “opportunity to serve; for the courtesy and humor,” the President, often displayed in their “personal conversations.”
Rosenstein was thrust into the spotlight when he appointed Special Counsel Robert Mueller to investigate Russian 2016 Presidential Election Interference and whether or not the President or his team conspired with Russia to interfere. Mueller also investigated whether or not the President himself committed Obstruction of Justice.
As the News Blender report in January Rosenstein’s departure from the DOJ is not surprising as it was announced he planned to leave after William Barr was confirmed as Attorney General, replacing Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker.
Rosenstein was asked to continue until after the Mueller Report was released to the public.
He concludes the resignation letter by writing, “We keep the faith, we follow the rules, and we always put America first.”