President Trump Asserts Privilege Over Mueller’s Report

The White House. Photo by Ad Meskens / Wikimedia Commons

As the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing voting to hold Attorney General William in contempt for failing to comply to a Congressional subpoena that required the release to the Committee the full Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s including underlying evidence, the White House via the Department of Justice announced the President “has asserted executive privilege over the entirely of the subpoenaed materials.”

The letter sent to Democrat House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler by Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd, explains, that they are “disappointed that you have rejected the,” DOJ’s “request to delay the,” Barr contempt vote.

He concludes his letter by writing, “Regrettably, you have made this assertion,” of Executive Privilege, “necessary by your insistence upon scheduling a premature contempt vote.”

Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders issued a statement via Twitter.

During the contempt hearing Nadler responded to the assertion of Executive Privilege.

Live Feed of the Contempt Vote Hearing.

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About Tiff 2931 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.

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