Tell Me Something Good 6/30/19

Tell Me Something Good logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul and Word Clouds.

The news these days is often depressing at worst and frustrating at best. It’s easy to get caught up in the spin cycle and let it get us down. Never fear… The News Blender has you covered. Once a week we feature Something Good and, in return, all you have to do is tell us something good that has happened to you this week, something you are thankful for, a joke, a cute animal story, an inspiring tale of heroics, a Random Act of Kindness… SOMETHING good.

This week’s Something Good is a hand up.

Luann Cofield snapped a picture of a young man sleeping in an Atlanta McDonald’s and shared it on Facebook, writing, “Just another reason for me to leave Fayetteville. I was in McDonald’s in the middle of town and I saw this guy sleeping in a booth, I go and tell an employee that someone is asleep in their booth and her response was “oh yeah, we know hee hee, it’s ok” and I said “not really but whatever”.

What Luann didn’t know when she posted her rant is that the subject of it, Simon Childs, is a 21 year old homeless father who had recently lost his mother and is caring for his young son. The young father was between shifts at the restaurant and was resting, Atlanta’s Channel 2 reports.

Luann’s post created a stir in the Fayetteville community. Simon was hurt by the negative post when he heard about it and thought no one would care. He was shocked to arrive at work to find diapers, clothes, and supplies for his son. The community stepped up to help Simon, offering hotel rooms, a hair cut, clothing, shoes, and a loaner car so he can get to job interviews. A GoFundMe has been set up on Simon’s behalf and he is excited to have the opportunity to have a permanent home for him and his son.

Of the help and attention he has received, Simon said, “I didn’t think the community would even care enough to do that, but they care.”

Simon never held any ill will to the woman who wrote the post and said, “I’m not homeless, not now, thanks to her.”

And now the story gets even better.

WSB-TV reporter Matt Johnson spoke with Luann, who said she posted to a private group and never meant to hurt anyone. Luann and Simon were able to meet and Luann apologized. Simon, who will be starting a new job next month and now has a place to stay from someone who offered to take him in, hugged her. The picture Luann took and shared has changed Simon’s life. He told her he feels great, “I’m no longer sleeping in a McDonald’s, so that’s good.”

Luann said she would do things differently given the chance – find out more about the situation before taking action that might hurt someone. She said it broke her heart for Simon because her intent was not to hurt him. The backlash caused Luann to delete her Facebook account but Simon was never angry and is thankful to her.

He told Luann, “I do want to thank you. Not for the post per se, but for helping me pick my life up off the ground.” The unlikely duo chatted and got to know each other during the interview and after.

Simon knows his previous situation is not uncommon and hopes to help others who share similar misfortune.

Sometimes what is meant for ill ends up being used for good. Sometimes a little kindness can mean the world to someone who thinks everything is hopeless. Sometimes a bit of humility and an open mind and heart can lead to understanding and friendship. We are all just travelers on this planet and we travel best when we help each other along the way with an outstretched hand.

Now it’s your turn… Tell me Something Good.

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*Principle above party * Politically Homeless * Ex GOP * Tribalism is stupid* NeverTrump ≠ Pro Hillary. Anti-GOP ≠ Pro Dem. Disagreeing with you ≠ Liberal. Counter Social: @NoMorePlatosCave