Trump Tweets for Thursday 6/20/19

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Thursday.

The President has tweeted 3 times so far for Thursday.

To finish his Wednesday the President announced he would be interviewed by Fox News and radio show host Sean Hannity.

Some highlights from Wednesday’s interview.

He does not name the congressmen that he says leaked photos of former White House Official Hope Hicks from her testimony behind closed doors.

About half through his 46 minute interview with Hannity, the pair discuss the media, which Hannity calls “the mob media,” and the media reporting of “the hoax,” regarding the Russian investigation, Hannity says the media fell for it, the President disagrees, saying they knew it was a “hoax,” but wrote about it anyway.

From the tweeted clip.

Trump: Once in a while I’ll turn to MSNBC and I’ll see what they say. I know most of the people and it’s a fraud. They go back and they meet and what can we make up. Remember when they used the word-everybody used the word manufactured? And every news cast had the word manufactured, but it’s not a word associated with what they were talking about. They were talking about something being manufactured. and every news cast started with manufactured. And they did it with numerous words. They’d come up with a word, they’d put it out, they are all together. It’s a really disgraceful situation. Here’s the good news, we’re president.

On June 18th, The Wall Street Journal posted an update to their live Campaign 2020 article they call “campaign wire 2020.”

The update titled “Trump Set to Live-Tweet Democrat Debates reported that according to people familiar with the matter, while President Trump’s political advisers planned to keep the President off Twitter while the Democrat Presidential hopefuls debated, that the President, “who has spent years embracing social media for his political advantage, is tentatively planning to live-tweet the debates on June 26-27.”

He tells Hannity in the clip he hadn’t planned it, but he might do it now. This is after he called the report “just fake news,” Hannity chimes in that he’s a fan of the idea.

The full interview. FYI I did not watch the full interview, I just verified the clips I posted. 😉

Thursday’s Tweets.

I was unable to verify the Michael Steele quote, the President tweeted.

ABC News reports amid growing tension between the U.S. and Iran, that Iran says they shot down “an unarmed and unmanned U.S. RQ-4A Global Hawk drone.”

According to Iranian State media Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said they downed the drone “when it entered Iranian airspace.”

CENTCOM spokesman Navy Capt. Bill Urban in a statement said, “Iranian reports that the aircraft was over Iran are false.”

For editorial thoughts on the U.S. and Iran tensions @ the News Blender.

CNN is reporting that Officials are meeting in the White House, those officials include outgoing Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan, and incoming Acting Secretary of Defense Mark Esper.

CNN notes, that the President is not expected to intend the meeting, however, ABC News says that according to Officials the President, who had been scheduled to meet with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, confirmed that the President was on his way to the meeting.

This post will be updated within reason.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.

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