Trump Tweets His Own Highlights from His Campaign Launch

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Wednesday.

In case you missed it, on Tuesday, the President launched his 2020 re-election campaign, that burning question of which stolen slogan he’d use, was left unanswered.

After the #MAGA rally, the President tweeted 5 times.

Wednesday the President has tweeted 5 times.

I’m going to skip the rally highlights, after watching it live, I’m sure you can understand my reasons, in fairness, we learned very little new information from his campaign 2020 rally, it was very similar to his 2016 campaign rallies, and his rallies since.

Bongino adds, he’s pleased President Trump didn’t follow the advice of let it go regarding Hillary Clinton, I’m sure the 2020 Democratic challengers agree.


Happening Wednesday on Capital Hill, former White House Official Hope Hicks is possibly, maybe, most likely, answering questions, considering the above tweets, as she testifies before the House Judiciary Committee behind close doors.

Currently as I write this post, we are getting mixed signals regarding her testimony, is she or isn’t answering questions? Inquiring minds want to know…


That’s one of those things that makes you go, “WTAF?” Considering the President has prevented his former White House Counsel Don McGahn, from testifying before the House Judiciary Committee, sued the House Oversight Committee in attempt to keep his financial records private, and is trying to interfere with Hicks testimony that’s currently taking place on the Hill.

All of those above things, have been ordered by a Congressional Subpoena.

For what it’s worth.

Regarding Polling.

On June 10th, The New York Times reported that internal polling in 17 states showed the President trailing former Vice President Joe Biden.

President Trump it is said told aides to deny the polling.

On June 16th, The New York Times reported that the Trump Campaign for 2020 was purging “some of its pollsters after a leak of dismal internal polls for the president that he denied existed.”

CNN reported that according to a person familiar with the purge, that Michael Baselice, Adam Geller, and Brett Lloyd who is the CEO of White House senior counselor Kellyanne Conway’s former polling company, had all been fired. Baselice and Geller are expected to work for the Trump PAC American First, Lloyd, CNN says, is not expected to continue on with any Trump-affiliated entities.

This post will be updated within reason.

This is an Open Thread.

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About Tiff 2931 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.