Trump Tweets Wants Credit for Not Imposing Unpopular Mexico Tariffs

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Monday.

On Friday the President via Twitter announced that the planned 5 percent tariffs on Mexico imports had been avoided as the two countries reached a deal to work toward stemming the flow of illegal immigrants crossing from Mexico into the U.S..

From the U.S./Mexico joint declaration posted @ the State Department on Friday.


Mexico will take unprecedented steps to increase enforcement to curb irregular migration, to include the deployment of its National Guard throughout Mexico, giving priority to its southern border. Mexico is also taking decisive action to dismantle human smuggling and trafficking organizations as well as their illicit financial and transportation networks. Additionally, the United States and Mexico commit to strengthen bilateral cooperation, including information sharing and coordinated actions to better protect and secure our common border.

The U.S.

The United States will immediately expand the implementation of the existing Migrant Protection Protocols across its entire Southern Border. This means that those crossing the U.S. Southern Border to seek asylum will be rapidly returned to Mexico where they may await the adjudication of their asylum claims.

In response, Mexico will authorize the entrance of all of those individuals for humanitarian reasons, in compliance with its international obligations, while they await the adjudication of their asylum claims. Mexico will also offer jobs, healthcare and education according to its principles.

The United States commits to work to accelerate the adjudication of asylum claims and to conclude removal proceedings as expeditiously as possible.

Both countries have agreed if the measures “do not have the expected results,” the U.S. and Mexico will take further actions.

On Saturday President Trump tweeted 13 times, 7 of which focused on the avoided tariffs and the new deal with Mexico.

On Saturday The New York Times reported that the deal between the U.S. and Mexico to avoid the June 10th tariffs consisted “largely of actions that Mexico had already promised to take in prior discussions with the United States over the past several months, according to officials from both countries who are familiar with the negotiations.”

According to the article, “The centerpiece of Mr. Trump’s deal was an expansion of a program to allow asylum-seekers to remain in Mexico while their legal cases proceed.”

They explain this expansion program agreement was reached in December, “in a pair of painstakingly negotiated diplomatic notes that the two countries exchanged. Ms. Nielsen announced the Migrant Protection Protocols during a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee five days before Christmas.”

AP Fact Check reported on Sunday that Mexican Officials have denied that “anything on agriculture was included in the deal on border security reached Friday to avert Trump’s threatened tariffs.”

The deal that was released on Friday by the State Department makes no mention of increased purchases by Mexico, according to Time, three Mexican Officials said, “they’re not aware of any side accord,” to increase agricultural goods or equipment purchased from the U.S. by Mexico.

Bloomberg reported on Saturday that “Three Mexican officials said Saturday they were not aware of any side accord in the works, and that agricultural trade hadn’t been discussed during three days of negotiations in Washington that culminated in a joint communique late Friday.”

On Sunday the President tweeted 9 times four of those tweets included the U.S. Mexico immigration deal reached to avoid President Trump’s threat of blanket tariffs. He also explained that not everything agreed upon between the two countries was announced on Friday.

In one of his Sunday tweets the President bemoaned, again, his press coverage.

According to The New York Times PDF of what appeared on the front page of Sunday’s paper they published two articles that President Trump could be referring to in his tweets.

A News Analysis written by Peter Baker titled, “A Drama of Trump’s Own Making Ends With a Familiar Hero,” appeared under the title, “Self-Made Crisis and a Predictable Hero,” in Sunday’s paper.

Baker explains “Nine days in spring offered a case study in Mr. Trump’s approach to some of the most daunting issues confronting him and the nation: When the goal seems frustratingly out of reach through traditional means, threaten drastic action, set a deadline, demand concessions, cut a deal — real or imagined — avert the dire outcome and declare victory. If nothing else, he forces attention on the issue at hand. Whether the approach yields sustainable results seems less certain.”

He went on to say that often the “dramas” of are President Trump’s own making, “with him naturally the hero,” when the crisis or “drama” has been avoided.

The other article is featured under Saturday’s tweets, in which The New York Times reports the deal between the U.S. and Mexico on Friday consists largely of things Mexico was already doing.

Monday the President has tweeted 6 times so far.

Once again he is bemoaning press coverage, it appears he’s still bitching about the New York Times articles I mentioned, but if y’all have other ideas of what he might be complaining about, feel free to post your thoughts in the comment section.

Monday’s front page of The New York Times has one story focused on immigration titled, “Migrants in Hospitals Are Treated Like Felons, Doctors Say.”

A medical student name Rom Rahimian told the Times, that he was attempting to aid a 20-year-old Guatemalan woman, who was found in the Arizona desert, she was dehydrated, pregnant and had gone into early labor, months before her due date.

Rahimian explains that during her exams, while the medical staff tried to halt her labor, the Border Patrol agents “were present during her medical examinations, listened in on conversations with doctors and watched her ultrasounds, Mr. Rahimian said. They kept the television on loud, interfering with her sleep. When agents began pressing the medical staff to discharge the woman to an immigration detention facility, the doctors took action.”

Rahimian called a lawyer, “It was a race against the clock to see if we can get her into any other situation,” he asked the lawyer, “What can we do? What are her rights?”

The article goes on to explain the challenge the doctors face, “In many cases, doctors say, their patients are newly arrived asylum seekers, like the Guatemalan woman in Tucson, who had fled violent abuse from her baby’s father back home. Such patients, who are in custody only because of their immigration status, are often subjected to security measures meant for prisoners charged with serious crimes. (In her case, medical providers at the hospital persuaded officials to allow her to be discharged to a respite center run by the Casa Alitas program of Catholic Community Services.)”

In the first video clip that President Trump tweeted, he tells CNBC News, that “tariffs are a beautiful thing when you are the piggy bank.”

In the second clip that President Trump tweeted, he says, the Federal Reserve did not listen to “me.”

Tariffs are a tax on consumers, we are the piggy bank.

The Federal Reserve shouldn’t listen to the President, regardless of who that President is, they are supposed to be an independent body.

For more on the avoided so far Mexican import tariffs @ the News Blender.

In the third video clip that President Trump tweeted he said thank you to Fox News and radio show host Mark Levin. The clip is 8 minutes long.

This post will be updated within reason.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.