Watch Live: House Intelligence Committee Hearing Mueller Report Volume One

Special Counsel Robert Mueller 2012. Photo By The White House

On Wednesday the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence will hold a hearing titled “Lessons from the Mueller Report: Counterintelligence Implications of Volume 1.”

According to the Committee will hear testimony from two former Executive Assistant Directors of National Security Branch of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Stephanie Douglas and Robert Anderson.

The hearing follows as the News Blender reported on Monday the House Judiciary Committee hearing that discussed aspects of Presidential Obstruction which is explained in Volume 2 of the Mueller Report.

Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff (D-CA) said in a statement, “Since the release of the Mueller report, the American public has learned much about the President’s conduct, his campaign’s interactions with Russia and that nation’s interference in our election and affairs.”

He went on to explain, “The evidence has been both criminal and non-criminal, and implicated deep counterintelligence concerns over the potential compromise of U.S. persons.”

As to the goal of today’s hearing Schiff explained, “Our Committee’s goal will be to explain to the American people the serious counterintelligence concerns raised by the Mueller Report, examine the depth and breadth of the unethical and unpatriotic conduct it describes, and produce prescriptive remedies to ensure that this never happens again. That is a tall task, but it begins with a detailed focus on the facts laid out in the Special Counsel’s report.”

Courthouse News Reporter Brandi Buchman will offer a live tweeting thread that covers the hearing.

Live Feed 1 House Indigence.

Live Feed 2 ABC News

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About Tiff 2727 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.