Judge Orders Cohen Documents Released to the Public

Donald Trump and Michael Cohen split image by Lenny Ghoul.

On Wednesday U.S. District Judge for New York, William Pauley, ordered the federal government to unseal materials relating to the campaign finance charges surrounding the one-time lawyer to President Trump, Michael Cohen.

Courthouse News reports that the new information relates to how Cohen, “paid two women to silence their stories about supposed affairs with President Donald Trump.”

Cohen who is currently serving three-years in prison for financial crimes, including campaign fiance violations, testified before Congress prior to his reporting to prison, that he paid both, Stephanie Clifford, aka Stormy Daniels, and Karen McDougal “hush money” payments at the direction of the President, then-candidate Donald Trump.

According to Judge Pauley’s order, since the government has stated that they have concluded their probe into the campaign violations, that the materials that have been redacted now become a matter of national importance.

The Government now represents that it has concluded the aspects of its investigation that justified the continued sealing of the portions of the Materials relating to Cohen’s campaign finance violations. (pg.2)

The campaign finance violations discussed in the Materials are a matter of national importance. Now that the Government’s investigation into those violations has concluded, it is time that every American has an opportunity to scrutinize the Materials. (pg.3)

U.S. District Judge Pauley.

Attorney for President Trump Jay Sekulow offered a statement regarding the closure of the probe, though the Southern District of New York, has declined to comment on the case according to multiple media sources.

Judge Pauley ordered the government to have the unsealed documents available to the public by 11 a.m. eastern time on Thursday.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.

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