Watch Live: Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta to Address the Press

Official Photo. Photo by Department of Labor.

Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta is expected to hold a press conference to address the controversy surrounding a plea deal he made with Jeffrey Epstein in 2008.

The press conference comes as Democrats on the Hill, call for Acosta to resign.

Epstein who was arrested over the weekend faces news charges of sexually abusing underage girls the indictment was unsealed on Monday.

Shortly after the press conference was announced House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings announced that the Committee had sent a letter to Acosta inviting him to testify regarding his involvement in reaching what is being called a “sweetheart deal,” with Epstein in 2008.

As the News Blender reported on Tuesday a Judge from Florida found that Acosta while U.S. Attorney violated the law when he failed to inform the underage victims of the plea agreement.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.

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