Trump Tweets His Internal Polling Looks Great, the Best Ever!

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Tuesday.

So far the President has tweeted 6 times and re-tweeted 9 times.

ABC News reported that early Sunday a cargo ship Golden Ray caught fire and capsized, trapping 4 of the crew members.

Three of those members were rescued, while one remained trapped behind a glass enclosure in the ship’s engineering room. He was one deck from the other members, according to Coast Guard Capt. John Reed, he went about 36 hours without food or water.

The incident occurred around 2 a.m., on Sunday, on the St. Simons Sound off the coast of Brunswick, Georgia.

He tweeted two times regarding polling numbers and the media, before he tweeted another push for Dan Bishop.

As the News Blender featured last night, the President held a campaign rally for, mostly himself, but did include Dan Bishop who is running in a Special Election for a Congressional seat, left vacate after Mark Harris, was accused of election fraud, which is not the same as voter fraud.

North Carolina never certified the race, later voting to hold a do-over election. Harris declined to run in the special election.

On Tuesday The Washington Post and ABC News released a new poll, that shows, 6 in 10 American expect a recession, and higher prices. President Trump’s approval rating has slipped.

According to the poll it was conducted by telephone between September 2-5, 2019. 65 percent of the 1,003, surveyed were reached by cellphone, while 35 percent were reached on landlines. The margin of error was plus or minus 3.5.

From the Poll.

Do you approve or disapprove of President Trump’s handling of his job?

Approve: 27 percent strongly approve, while 11 percent somewhat approve, the net total approval 38 percent.

Disapprove: 48 percent strongly disapprove, while 8 percent somewhat disapprove, the net total disapproval is 56 percent.

The Washington Post/ABC News Poll PDF 9/10/19.

Real Clear Politics has President Trump’s average job approval at 43 percent approve while 53 percent disapprove.

Internal polling looks great, the best ever!

Politico, NBC News, and CNN, reported in June of this year, that President Trump fired three pollsters after internal polling was leaked to the media.

CNN explained at the time, that this polling showed the President trailing between the Democratic front-runner former Vice President Joe Biden, in 17 states, like Michigan and Wisconsin.

NBC News said the data they obtained from the leak, showed the President trailing Biden, in 11 states. A person familiar with inner working of the Trump campaign shared more details with NBC News, that said not only did the March internal poll numbers show the President trailing in swing states, it also showed the President Trump was under-performing in reliably red states, that haven’t been competitive in decades for Presidential elections.

Politico reported that those pollsters being cut included the former firm started by current White House Senior adviser Kellyanne Conway. They also ended their relationship with Brett Lloyd, Mike Baselice and Adam Geller.

For What It’s Worth: Opinion.

It’s rich to me, that they complain about internal polling data being shared with the public, yet, it’s crickets, as the Mueller Report notes, when it’s proven that while Campaign Manager for President Trump, Paul Manafort shared the internal polling with Konstantin Kilmnik, who the FBI believes has ties to Russian Intelligence. (pg 6. PDF pg. 14)

I guess hypocrites got hypocrite.

There will be more on this, it’s Breaking News.

This post will be updated within reason.

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About Tiff 2721 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.