Trump Tweets Open Thread Monday

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Monday.

We have now entered day 20 of the Impeachment Inquiry.

Since I skipped updating the Tweet thread from Friday, I’ll be including all but 4 of President Trump’s tweets since Friday, in his total for the weekend.

Friday he tweeted/retweeted 59 times minus 4 =’s 55 times.

Saturday he tweeted/retweeted 24 times.

Sunday he tweeted/retweeted 21 times.

55 + 24 + 21 =’s 100.

Since I can’t cover all 100 of his tweets, I’ll provided the highlights.


He sent this tweet @ 11:28 a.m. eastern time. He went on to tweet or retweet 30 times after he sent the tweet. It’s my guess that he wanted to bury this tweet.

Boston Globe reported on Friday, that in response to a “prosecutors’ rebuttal to the initial appellate brief,” convicted Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s lawyers filed a brief on Thursday that stretched more than 200 pages.

In the 200 page response Tsarnaev’s lawyers accused “prosecutors of laying the groundwork “for a death sentence fueled by passion and prejudice by courting Islamophobia during the guilt phase.””

The original appellate brief was filed in December of 2018. Oral arguments in the appeal are scheduled for Dec. 12, 2019.

The next highlight Friday tweet came at 7:46 p.m. eastern time.

NBC News reported that according to a source close to McAleenan he was not forced out he resigned on his own.

McAleenan replaced former DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, after she was forced out in April.

The front-runner to replace McAleenan is Ken Cuccinelli, the Acting Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

This is the second time “Chocked” means choked. The first tweet sent in Aug. 2018, was deleted. At the writing of this post the current chocked tweet has not been deleted.

Steve Kerr responded to a statement from President Trump regarding the NBA and China. His video response was posted on October 10th.



The President spent some time over the weekend, when he was not on the golf course, to defend his decision to allow Turkey to invade part of Syria, occupied by the Kurdish forces that joined the U.S. in fighting ISIS.

The Washington Post reported that the event described in his first tweet, never took place, but it is possible, that President Trump was thinking about when the Iraqi government seized the city of Kirkuk, “— in Iraq — from the control of fighters affiliated with factions based in the semiautonomous Iraqi region of Kurdistan.”

Over the weekend it was reported that ISIS prisoners have escaped.

On Sunday Defense Secretary Mark Esper said that Turkey is expanding their Kurdish attack further south, in response the U.S. plans to withdrawal all armed forces out of Northern Syria.

In the clip Esper says that Turkey decided to invade Turkey despite U.S. opposition.

Last Sunday to the shock and dismay of our U.S. officials, the White House on behalf of President Trump issued a statement.

The full statement. [again].

Today, President Donald J. Trump spoke with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey by telephone. Turkey will soon be moving forward with its long-planned operation into Northern Syria. The United States Armed Forces will not support or be involved in the operation, and United States forces, having defeated the ISIS territorial “Caliphate,” will no longer be in the immediate area.

The United States Government has pressed France, Germany, and other European nations, from which many captured ISIS fighters came, to take them back, but they did not want them and refused. The United States will not hold them for what could be many years and great cost to the United States taxpayer. Turkey will now be responsible for all ISIS fighters in the area captured over the past two years in the wake of the defeat of the territorial “Caliphate” by the United States.

In response to the ISIS prisoners escaping during the invasion of Syria, the President tweeted.

From Wednesday.

He ended Sunday by tweeting a quote from Fox News and Radio Show host Mark Levin.

Serial Killers like President’s facing an impeachment inquiry, aka an investigation. Do not receive “due process.”

The rest of President Trump’s tweets over the weekend in between golf games, focused on the Impeachment Inquiry. Specifically House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA).

The memo of the call between President Trump and President Zelensky of the Ukraine can be found here.

To paraphrase:

Zelensky: About ready to buy more U.S. weapons for defense purposes [against Russia].

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though. [not paraphrased].

For all of President Trump 100 tweets and retweets for the weekend @realDonaldTrump.

For Monday, the President has tweeted 13 times so far, with no retweets.

The Impeachment Inquiry tweets.

Democrats are the majority in the House, the Republicans hold the power in both the Senate and the White House.

President Trump has publicly stated in writing that his administration refuses to cooperate with the Impeachment Inquiry.

Impeachment starts in the House, it is in the Constitution.

Obstruction of Congressional oversight, is an impeachable offense.

Schiff reasons that with the direct evidence relating to the whistleblower complaint that is publicly available there may not be a need to risk the safety of the whistleblower to testify before the House Committees handling the Impeachment Inquiry.

He says that given the President’s statements, coupled with that of Republicans there is a real fear that the whistleblower’s identity will not be protected, and if he or she is unmasked, it might jeopardize future whistleblowers from coming forward.

We must determine the Whistleblower’s identity to determine WHY this was done to the USA

Trump Tweet 10/14/18.

Gee, I can’t imagine where Schiff got the idea, that the whistleblower might be in danger of being exposed. Such a mystery.

Shorn of its rambling character and in not so many words this is the essence of what the President communicates.
We’ve been very good to your country, very good, no other country has done as much as we have, but you know what I don’t see much reciprocity here. I hear what you want I have a favor, I want from you though and I’m gonna say this only seven times so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent understand lots of it on this and on that. I’m gonna put you in touch with people and not just any people, I’m gonna put you in touch with Attorney General of the United States. My Attorney General, Bill Barr, he’s got the whole weight of the America law enforcement behind and I’m put you in touch with Rudy you’re gonna love him trust me. You know what I’m asking and so I’m only gonna say this a few more times in a few more ways. And by the way don’t call me again. I’ll call you when you’ve done what I asked.
This is in sum and character what the President was trying to communicate with the President of Ukraine.

Schiff opening statement 9/26/19.

The Turkey and Kurd conflict.

As the News Blender reported on Friday the Pentagon announced that at the request of Saudi Arabia the U.S. would be sending more troops to the region.

Ahead of his rally on Friday the President told the press on the South Lawn that our military support in the region is being paid for by Saudi Arabia.

For thoughts on the Turkish/Kurdish conflict @ the News Blender.

As a reminder Saudi Arabia is located in the Middle East.

The Other Tweets.

While Rome is burning…

In between the foreign policy tweets and the video clip tweets:


Since the writing of this post the President has tweeted 10 more times and retweeted once. That brings is Monday total, so far to 24 tweets.

CNN reported on Sunday that according to a statement provided by his lawyer, that Hunter Biden, son of the former Vice President Joe Biden, will resigned at the end of the month “his board role in the management company of a private equity fund backed by Chinese state-owned entities.”

Hunter Biden has also pledged that if his father wins the 2020 Presidential election he will not work for any foreign-owned companies, or serve on their boards.

Hunter always understood that his father would be guided, entirely and unequivocally, by established U.S. policy, regardless of its effects on Hunter’s professional interests. He never anticipated the barrage of false charges against both him and his father by the President of the United States

Hunter Biden statement via CNN.

Hunter Biden sat for an interview with ABC’s Good Morning America. The exclusive interview will air on Tuesday morning and during ABC’s World News.

Hunter Biden is not seeking public office.

America First does not mean what he thinks it means.

Mary Kay Linge, with the New York Post, posted on Saturday, that the poll released by Fox News, that showed 51 percent of American’s favored impeachment, while 40 percent did not favor impeachment, unrepresented Republican and Independent voters.

Princeton, New Jersey, pollster Braun Research, which conducted the survey, noted 48% of its respondents were Democrats. But the actual breakdown of party affiliation is 31% Democrat, 29% Republican and 38% independent, according to Gallup.

Linge, via the New York Post.

She goes on to say, that a poll weighted by party affiliation “would have concluded that 44.9% favored impeachment and 44.4% opposed it, a Post analysis has concluded.”

It should be noted, that the above is almost the entire article.

It should also be noted, that even given her new math, the majority still favor impeachment, even if only just so.

Her analysis, does not make the poll incorrect.

Yeah, it’s the Trump Haters, that are causing the President to commit impeachable offenses.

As a reminder the President was aware of the Turkish invasion. He gave the order to remove our Special Forces, between 50-100 soldiers defending the border between Turkey and the Kurds.

Sanctions will not change the chaos, that our withdrawal has caused in Syria. Nor will it undo the damage that President Trump’s decision has caused.

And let’s not forget that during this chaos, caused by President Trump’s actions, he also sent troops to Saudi Arabia, because “Saudi Arabia pays Cash.”

This post will be updated within reason.

This is an Open Thread.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.