Trump Tweets: Open Thread Friday

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Friday.

There are 27 days until Thanksgiving. There are 54 shopping days left until Christmas. There are 94 days until the Iowa Caucus.

It’s day 38th of the Impeachment Inquiry. President Trump has tweeted 14 times. He deleted a tweet giving him a total of 13 tweets.

The Impeachment Inquiry; His Fox & Friends Tweets.

He sent two tweets between this impeachment inquiry tweet and the next one.

He sent one tweet between this and his next impeachment inquiry tweet.

“This is the biggest, most disgusting scandal, and it’s all on the Democrat Party that has highjacked the Impeachment process, our tax dollars, the House of Representatives, to push their 2020 Election,” Mark Levin.

President Donald Trump stands accused of withholding military aid from Ukraine until such time as Ukraine publicly supported an investigation into political rival Joe Biden. The President while he was candidate Trump as laid out in the Mueller Report sought help from Russia to get dirt on political rival Hillary Clinton. On tape the President said if a foreign country offered him dirt on a political rival he’d listen and maybe notify the FBI.

As the Ukraine scandal broke the President confirmed that he had asked Ukraine to investigate the Biden’s, he went further to add that likewise China should investigate Biden.

But according to Mark Levin, we should be mad at the Democrats for calling for President Trump’s impeachment based on abuse of power, obstruct of Congress, and seeking foreign help on his 2020 Presidential Campaign. Sure, Jan….sure.

“The public is watching and seeing for themselves how unfair this process is.”

Texas Poll note: Numbers may not add up to 100 due to rounding. Margin of error = ± 2.83 percentage points.

It should be noted that the poll numbers are based on things we currently know, this is the polling data prior to the public phase of the impeachment inquiry. Many sources are reporting that as early as next week testimony given during the depositions held by the three House Committees handling the impeachment inquiry could be publicly released with some redaction’s.

The Economy Tweets.

The Department of Labor released the October jobs report on Friday. According to the report:

Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 128,000 in October, and the unemployment rate was little changed at 3.6 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Notable job gains occurred in food services and drinking places, social assistance, and financial activities. Within manufacturing, employment in motor vehicles and parts decreased due to strike activity. Federal government employment was down, reflecting a drop in the number of temporary jobs for the 2020 Census.

October 2019 jobs report.

The tweet was sent on October 31st, at 10:57 a.m.. This morning’s tweet was sent at 10:08 a.m..

He bashes a city, tells a city he’ll see them tonight when he meant next week Tweets.

He replaced the deleted tweet with 2 tweets.

President Trump held a fundraiser in Chicago last week, where he bashed the city in person. #Winning.

There is a rally tonight from Mississippi.

The Foreign Policy Tweet.

ABC News reported that ISIS has confirmed the death of its leader Abu Bakr al-Badhadadi. They also announced their new leader, Abu Ibrahim al Hashimi al Qurashi. ABC News reported this at 2 p.m. eastern time on Thursday.

This post will be update within reason.

This is an Open Thread.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.