While Tiff does her adulting and finishes up moving into their new digs this week – woohoo! – I’ll be bringing to you this weeks’ President Impeached’s communications to us, his lowly subjects. He works so hard for us.*
Reminder: This is an Open Thread.
Picking up where Tiff left off on Friday, Trump felt it necessary to retweet Senator Marsha Blackburn’s impression of herself and Laura Ingraham as “chief momma’s in change who can do more than one thing at a time” during the Fox News pundit’s interview about reporters’ impressions of senators behaviors and their need to amplify denigration of decorated American soldier Lt. Col. Vindman.
Trump seemed to appreciate this one from North Dakota’s senator Kevin Cramer who sat down with a @DailyCaller blogger for an interview to give his opinion about the opening arguments of President Impeached’s trial. According to Cramer’s tweet, one could infer he was not impressed. I’m sure Trump was riveted by Cramer’s words he no doubt never listened to in the first place.
After thanking China and President Xi for “working very hard to contain the Coronavirus … and transparency” and assuring us, his lowly subjects, that “It will all work out well,” …
… President Impeached meanwhile was hard at work choosing the logo for *Space Force,* that “Sixth Branch of our Magnificent Military!”
In case you failed to catch that President Inpeached attended the March for Life rally, he helpfully reminds us again by adding this White House *It’s really all about Me* propaganda video attached to the organizers’ tweet thanking him for his attendance.
Here we see President Impeached hosting our nation’s mayors at the White House. Judging by what appears to be a low turn out, I am going to opine this is anything but a representation of our nation’s mayors.
That one where President Impeached tells his Fox audience…Nothing to see here, you are all bored, move along.
In case you missed it, it’s been reported that Fox News’ audience got a total of 22 seconds of the prosecutors’ presentation on Thursday evening.
Next, Rep. Mike Johnson gets a coveted retweet for his appearance with Fox New pundit Tucker Carlson. On and on… and on … it goes with retweets, in order of appearances, from: Rep. Andy Biggs, Rep. Lee Zeldin, and Rep. Josh Hawley, he was special, he got two! Then, Sen. John Barrasso and Sen. Tim Scott, Rep. Mark Meadows, House Republicans‘ shout out to Rep. Ratcliffe appearing on Tucker Carlson, and ending with Sen. Rand Paul.
And that concludes President Impeached’s Friday.
Saturday, January 25, 2020: Day 6: President Impeached’s Senate trial continues…
Saturday began Day 6 of President Impeached’s trial in the U.S. Senate. President Impeached tweeted a total of 17 times and retweeted others a total of 61 times.
In one retweet, according to RedState, something we all know he never read, McCabe evidently got a DOJ “Beatdown.” I’ll leave that to readers to discern for themselves.
Sunday, January 27, 2020.
Sunday appeared to be a busy day for President Impeached. He tweeted 20 times but only retweeted 12 times. The following are samples that include what apparently was upper most in his mind to start his morning…
Thomas Sowell made his radar through this retweeted Larry Elder clip of a Thomas Sowell sitdown. It’s #TrumpDerangementSyndrome, y’all.
Join the cult, all the cool kids are doing it!
In case you failed to get this message…
Trump commented on the death of L.A. Lakers’ Kobe Bryant and what turned out to be nine others in a helicopter crash Sunday.
Peeps suggested he might want to sit this one out…
On a side note, as more information comes forward of the crash, CNN reported this morning that, “the helicopter was operating under special flight rules when it crashed.”
The helicopter that crashed yesterday in Calabasas, California, was operating under “Special Visual Flight Rules,” according to an air traffic control audio conversation with the pilot, captured by website LiveATC.net.
What that means: A SVFR, Special Visual Flight Rules, clearance is given to pilots to allow them to fly in weather conditions worse than those allowed for standard Visual Flight Rules (VFR).
The Burbank Airport control tower allowed the helicopter to proceed northeast following the I-5 highway using the SVFR clearance.
“Maintain special VFR at or below 2,500” the pilot confirmed to the controller.
Later in the flight, the pilot apparently asked for “flight following,” a service where controllers are in regular contract with an aircraft. The controller was recorded telling the pilot “2 echo x-ray, you’re still too low level for flight following at this time.” That could mean the helicopter was too low to be seen on Air Traffic Control radar.
President Impeached ended his evening with the news dropping that his former National Security Advisor, John Bolton’s book, titled, The Room Where It Happened, is tentatively slated to hit shelves March 17, 2020.
And so ended President Impeached’s Sunday evening…
Monday, January 27, 2020.
…only to wake up to trending #1 and still going strong as of 10 am eastern time that “John Bolton’s book alleges Trump tied Ukraine aid freeze to the Democratic investigations.”
https://t.co/HvYRFOYyMU https://t.co/6StZTiqaws
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) January 27, 2020
And the retweeting trashing of Bolton begins anew. So far from Dan Bongino’s “Nobody cares” and Lou Dobbs opining about that “Rejected Neocon” and “Deep State’s Last Desperate Act” tweet of GateWayPunit piece:
…to Jenna Ellis, whose bio reads: Senior Legal Adviser to @TeamTrump and Attorney to @realDonaldTrump. Constitutional Law Attorney. Champion for Christ at @Falkirk_Center@LibertyU,
OK, Boomer…
In case you didn’t know…
So glad he reminded us! TNB will have a live coverage thread.
And so concludes Monday’s edition of President Impeached does Twitter.
*Gag me. 🤢
This post may or may not be updated.