Trump Tweets “Votes Were Fried,” for Monday’s Open Thread

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.


Before we review the Monday’s Impeached President Trump’s tweets, let’s take a look back over Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday was a busy day for President Impeached, tweeting/retweeting 72 times.

The Notables:

The reassigning of Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman.

On Friday the White House dismissed two Impeachment witnesses, Vindman, who was the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council and the U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland. Vindman’s twin brother was also pushed out of his White House post.

CNN reports that according to an Adviser to President Impeached, that “the firings of the major impeachment witnesses was meant to send a message that siding against the President will not be tolerated.”Flushing out the pipes,” the adviser told CNN. “It was necessary.””

They note that Lt. Colonel Vindman was expect to leave the White House in July.

On Sunday Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham was asked about Vindam’s dismissal on Face the Nation.

In short Graham pushed the “Deep State,” theory without calling it that. He went on to lie and say that Vindman, was not allowed to testify to his connections with the Whistleblower.

Page 59,, Vindman’s public testimony PDF.

Mr. Nunes [Devin Nunes, Ranking Member R-CA]. Lieutenant Colonel Vindman, you testified in the deposition that you did not know who the whistleblower was or is.

Lieutenant Colonel Vindman. I do not who the whistleblower is. That is correct.

Pete Rose…

NBC Sports explains that Rose, has petitioned MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred to be welcomed back into “baseball’s good graces,” following the Astros’ cheating scandal that found a “recent lack of punishment for players involved,” in said scandal. Rose offers that of proof that “his crimes do not meet the levels of odiousness to keep him out of the game.”

USA TODAY explains that Rose was banned from baseball in 1989, “for gambling on games while he managed the Cincinnati Reds.” They also note that it’s unlikely that even with President Impeached support that Manfred would reinstate Rose, having denied a similar petition in 2015. In 2017 Rose appealed to the Hall of Fame officers and was also unsuccessful.

This is not the first time President Impeached mentioned Rose via Twitter.



Before he expressed his desire to see Rose back in baseballs good graces, the Impeached President took issue with a photo of himself, explaining that it was “obviously,” Fake News.

Totally Fake News…

The photo was taken on Friday and posted at 5:30 p.m. eastern time, at 10:30 p.m. eastern time “White House Photos,” added…

but but but President Impeached is a strong alpha-male…

Not to be outdone by himself the President also took to Twitter to attack Rep. Debbie Dingell, the widow of John Dingell, who passed away in 2019.

Her last posted tweet was Sunday.

I think we can call this tweeted opinion piece, a bit of “shade,” being thrown.

But wait there is one more tweet that deserves a mention from Saturday…

On Sunday The Wall Street Journal reported that “President Trump is expected to release a $4.8 trillion budget Monday that charts a path for a potential second term, proposing steep reductions in social-safety-net programs and foreign aid and higher outlays for defense and veterans.”

The New York Times explains that President Impeached budget “the largest in federal history,” was sent to Congress on Monday.

[It] includes a nearly 5 percent increase in military spending — which is more than the Pentagon had asked for — and an additional $8.6 billion for construction of a wall along the border with Mexico. It also contains what White House officials called a total of $1.9 trillion in cost savings from mandatory safety-net programs, like Medicaid and Medicare, the federal health care programs for the elderly and the poor.

Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, called the proposal “a gut punch to the American middle class.” He said Mr. Trump’s requested cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, “as well as numerous other middle-class programs, are devastating, but not surprising.”

The New York Times 02/10/2020.

On Sunday the Washington Post noted:

The largest parts of the government’s budget are “mandatory” spending programs that are automatically renewed each year without congressional approval, such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Trump said on Twitter Saturday that the budget “will not be touching your Social Security or Medicare.” In 2015, he promised not to seek cuts to Medicaid as well, but his budgets have routinely sought big Medicaid changes that would cut roughly $800 billion from the program over 10 years.

The Washington Post 02/09/2020.

While he tweeted more on Saturday, Sunday was not a quiet day, he tweeted and retweeted 45 times in one of hour. His total for the day was 54 tweets/retweets.

The Notables:

What FBI Director Chris Wray said in a statement following the IG Inspector General’s report that detailed errors and problems with a FISA warrant requested and issued on former Trump campaign member Carter Page.

The Report concludes that the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation and related investigations of certain individuals were opened in 2016 for an authorized purpose and with adequate factual predication. The Report also details instances in which certain FBI personnel, at times during the 2016-2017 period reviewed by the OIG, did not comply with existing policies, neglected to exercise appropriate diligence, or otherwise failed to meet the standard of conduct that the FBI expects of its employees — and that our country expects of the FBI. We are vested with significant authorities, and it is our obligation as public servants to ensure that these authorities are exercised with objectivity and integrity. Anything less falls short of the FBI’s duty to the American people.

Wray testified before the House Judiciary Committee on February 5th, 2020.

President Impeached also took time to on Sunday to blast Mitt Romney the lone Senate Republican that voted to convict President Impeached on Article I, Abuse of Power.

He also via tweet attacked Democratic Senators Doug Jones (AL) and Joe Manchin (WV), while also taking another swipe at Romney.

He concluded Sunday in all caps, because that’s how President Impeached rolls.

Mr. Impeached has tweeted 6 times and retweeted 5 times so far for Monday.

“Still waiting for the Iowa results…”

NBC News reported on Sunday that the Iowa Democratic Party “allocated delegates based on,” the Iowa caucuses, “giving former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg the largest delegate count, followed closely by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. The party said it would award 14 delegates to Buttigieg and 12 to Sanders based on the results it had collected.”

Other candidates of interest, Elizabeth Warren will receive 8 delegates, while Joe Biden will take 6, and Amy Klobuchar has received 1 delegate.

They also note that NBC is not declaring a winner, adding, “Iowa Democratic caucus results are not actual votes cast. The percentages received by candidates, based on returns of the estimated number of state convention delegates won by each candidate through the caucus process, are known as state delegate equivalents, or SDEs.”

“votes were fried.”

Not even close, but this is not the first President Impeached has mentioned that Iowa’s votes were “fried.”

The votes in Iowa were recorded on paper, the reporting of the results via phone-line and app, were hit with technical issues that delayed the reporting of the votes.

Politico is calling this a prediction on the part of President Impeached. I call it delusional, but that’s just me.

New Hampshire’s primary will be held on Tuesday. The Impeached President, according to Donald J. Trump/events has 2 more planned rallies.
Phoenix, Az., on the 19th, followed the next day by a rally from Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Of course he will, how else will he get his ego stroked…

Real Clear Politics has the Impeached President’s job approval average at 45.7 percent approve, while 52 percent disapprove.

Just what I always wanted an Impeached President that thanks himself via social media that everyone in the world, mostly, has access too. #Winning.

There is a slight possibility this post will be updated.

There will be a rally thread.

This is an Open Thread.

About the opinions in this article…

Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.