Watch Live: Trump Holds a Press Conference

President Trump and Mitch McConnell

President Impeached announced on Twitter Wednesday morning that he would be holding a press conference to give an update on the deadly coronavirus outbreak.

For a summary of the outbreak that was first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, and has spread to 37 locations including the U.S., @

The CDC is providing on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays updates to the total cases in the U.S., as of Wednesdays update there are still 14 confirmed cases with 445 people in total tested for the disease.

They do note that the provided table of the confirmed U.S. cases and total people tested does not include people who returned to the U.S., via State Department-chartered flights.

The Washington Post live update thread is reporting that a new case of the virus has been confirmed in the U.S., with, “several other countries also confirming new cases and deaths.”

As they explain for the third straight day the Dow Jones industrial average had a mixed day gaining roughly 300 points shortly after opening only to close about 124 points down.

The CDC is warning American’s that the spread of COVID-19 aka the cornoavirus is likely, and that precaution should be take to prevent the spread, so far, the disease has not spread to the community.

For What It’s Worth:

Live Feeds.

The Washington Post.

Fox News.


Note: While President Impeached said the presser starts at six eastern, ever live feed and article I’ve found says it’s really 6:30 eastern.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.