Trump Tweets “RIPE for FRAUD,” for Thursday’s Open Thread

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Thursday aka Throwback Thursday.

For Throwback Thursday President Impeached has tweeted 2 times, so far.

On March 31st, 2020, President Impeached held a mini-rally where he and Doctors Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx explained that based on models that showed that between 100,000 to 240,000 people could die as a result of the U.S. coronavirus outbreak that they were extending social distancing, hand washing, trip limiting, guidelines to 30 days, starting April 1st. Newer models now show the death toll could fall short of the 100,000 figure.

Early Thursday Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that he thinks the U.S. could reopen for business in May.

As of 8:30 a.m. CA., time, John Hopkins reports that there are now 432,579 confirmed coronavirus cases in the U.S.. 14,829 people have died from the deadly virus, while 24,213 are said to be in total recovery.

He moves on to announce a proclamation.

It’s this kind of thing that makes it difficult not to remind readers that President Impeached once said, “I like people that weren’t captured.”

Throwback Thursday to late Wednesday.

I realize that throwback typically means heading further back in our past, which I will be doing shortly, but for now, we are only going back to 7:34 p.m. D.C. time on Wednesday.

President Impeached explains that Absentee Ballots are way different than Mail-in Voting.

They are not different, in fact, they are the same thing. I vote by mail in CA., have done since my first election in 1992. Weeks before the election an envelope arrives with my ballot, I can vote right away or I can hold off and wait until it’s closer to election time. I can take my ballot to a polling place, to the election office in my county to either fill it out or just simply drop it off. Or I can put it in the mail on election day as CA allows up to three days for my ballot to arrive and still be counted. It does require the election day postmark. I can also assign someone on my envelope to return my ballot sealed in the envelope to be delivered on my behalf.

As mentioned in Wednesday’s Trump Tweets thread, 3 states, Oregon, Washington, and Colorado are states that mail ballots to every registered voter. NCSL explains that Hawaii and Utah now join the list of states that conduct all elections by mail.

The issue of vote by mail or VBM has arisen once again in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, and watching Wisconsin on Tuesday struggle with protecting the health of the voters, and the poll workers, President Impeached via Twitter encouraged Wisconsin voters to go out and vote.

When asked during Tuesday’s mini-rally, if it was wise to tell residents to risk their lives to in-person vote at only 5 polling places versus the typical 180 found in Wisconsin, the Impeached wonder, rambled about how it was the Democrat’s fault and 1,000’s of people gather in living rooms to commit VBM voter fraud. He was confronted with the fact that he himself voted by mail as a Florida resident.

He carried over his crusade against VBM on Wednesday, saying in a tweet that Republicans should fight against it because of the “tremendous potential for voter fraud.”

Of course this tweet meant that it would once again be asked about in Wednesday’s campaign rally, which is what the daily pressers have morphed into over the last month.

Jim Acosta, CNN’s Chief White House Correspondent, pressed President Impeached to provide evidence of this so-called tremendous voter fraud.

President Impeached said, the evidence was being compiled and that hey, look at CA and the settlement the State reached with Judicial Watch.

White House transcript.

President Impeached: The — I think there’s a lot of evidence, but we’ll provide you with some, okay?  And there’s evidence that’s being compiled just like it’s being compiled in the state of California, where they settled with Judicial Watch, saying that a million people should not have been voting in — you saw that.

Q. But all the experts say voter fraud is rare.

President Impeached: Wait, excuse me.  I’m just telling you.  I’m telling you, in California, in the great state of California, they settled, and we could’ve gone a lot further.  Judicial Watch settled where they agreed that a million people should not have voted, where they were 115 years old and lots of things, and people were voting in their place.

Here’s where we reach the throwback part, on June 23rd, 2019, while speaking on Meet the Press with host Chuck Todd, President impeached made the same claim.

It’s a lie, it’s false, it’s whatever you want to call it, but the gist is, as PolitiFact points out the statement from President Impeached rated a “pants on fire,” as it was not about voting, it was about voter rolls.

Trump cited a January settlement California reached with the conservative group Judicial Watch. It requires Los Angeles County election officials to remove inactive registrations from voter rolls to comply with federal law. 
The 20-page settlement document, however, notes all parties agreed there was no admission of liability or wrongdoing by the state or county. It makes no mention of voter fraud or illegal voting. 

PolitiFact. 06/23/2019.

From the Judicial Watch settlement agreement.

WHEREAS, Because of the above-referenced language from the Husted
decision, the Parties agree that this action should be resolved without further litigation and without any admission of liability or wrongdoing by Defendants.

Judicial Watch. 01/03/19.

President Impeached is still stung by the fact that he lost CA to Hillary “but her emails,” Clinton by 4 million votes.

Or as I like to say our President is a toddler.


President Impeached has tweeted 2 more times.

He reacts to the news that UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been moved out of the ICU.

Johnson remains hospitalized.

President Impeached moves on to call the Wall Street Journal “fake news,” reminding everyone that while he is President Impeached he is also President Asshole.

At the time this tweet was sent, I was finishing up the campaign rally thread, this time including the John Hopkins data, which stands at 451,491 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the U.S, 15,938 people have died from the deadly pandemic, while 24,790 people are said to be in total recovery.

But, yes, let’s focus on how good the President Asshole’s ratings are.

He’s calling fake news an opinion piece from the Wall Street Journal’s editorial board entitled, Trump’s Wasted Briefings.

The piece opens by explaining that a friend of theirs who voted for President Impeached recently penned a note that said, she should stop watching the daily rallies, “Because they have become less about defeating the virus and more about the many feuds of Donald J. Trump.”

They go on to say that sometime in the last three weeks President Impeached has seemed to “concluded that the briefings could be a showcase for him,” adding that maybe in his mind they are a substitute for, “the campaign rallies he can no longer hold because of the risks.”

They also note that it’s possible, maybe the ego-driven cry-baby resents the positive press coverage Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo has received from his daily press updates.

They also feel that if President Impeached thinks these daily rallies will help him beat former Vice President Joe Biden, that he is “wrong.”

If Mr. Trump thinks these daily sessions will help him defeat Joe Biden, he’s wrong. This election is now about one issue: how well the public thinks the President has done in defeating the virus and restarting the economy. If Americans conclude he succeeded in a crisis, they will forgive him for reacting more slowly than he and many others might have in January. But on that score, voters will be persuaded by what they see in their lives and communities come the autumn. They will judge Mr. Trump by the results, not by how well he says he did.

WSJ Opinion. 04/08/2020.

It’s interesting to note that in a few paragraphs before the quoted paragraph above, they explain:

One of the ironies of this Presidency is that Mr. Trump claims to despise the press yet so eagerly plays its game. Every reporter knows the way to get a TV moment, and get a pat on the back from newsroom pals, is to bait Mr. Trump with a question about his previous statements or about criticism that someone has leveled against him. Mr. Trump always takes the bait.

WSJ Opinion. 04/08/2020.

They add an example of what they mean by “takes the bait.”

On Tuesday Mr. Trump was asked, in a typically tendentious question, why he had compared the coronavirus to the flu. Instead of saying he had been hoping for the best but was wrong when he’d said that, he got into a fight over the severity of the flu. This sort of exchange usually devolves into a useless squabble that helps Mr. Trump’s critics and contributes little to public understanding.

WSJ Opinion. 04/08/2020.

It’s hard to argue their statements when in fact President Impeached has lashed out against them for failing to mention how super his ratings are.

This is President Asshole’s 4th tweet talking about how his ratings are “Monday Night Football,” high.

As always yes there is a campaign rally scheduled for 5 p.m. D.C. time, which will likely be changed to 5:30 p.m. D.C. time.

This post might be updated within reason.

This is an Open Thread.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.