Trump Tweets “Dirty Cops and Crooked Politicians,” for Friday’s Open Thread

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Friday.

*note the video was filmed prior to social distancing and lock down measures*

For Friday President “I learned a lot from President Richard Nixon,” Trump has tweeted 3 times so far.

Promotes himself and his favorite morning TV show Fox & Friends.

Some Highlights.

In this clip President Douchebag says he didn’t want to make former Senator from Alabama Jeff Sessions Attorney General, but since Sessions was the first Senator to endorse him he felt “a little bit of an obligation,” to make him Attorney General. He goes on to say that Sessions came to see him four times and begged for the job of Attorney General.

President Douchebag in part: He wasn’t–you know he wasn’t, to me equipped to be Attorney General, but he just wanted it–wanted it–wanted it–he was from a state that I love, Alabama. And you know I won Alabama by a tremendous margin. He wanted it and I said alright Jeff, you know he was a smaller version of that in Alabama for a little while, he was a very average guy, I find out, but if–he goes in, he was so bad in his nomination proceedings, I should have gotten rid of him there. [he rambles here badly, I have almost lost my will to live, we move on.]…

President Douchebag in part: Jeff–Jeff just very weak and very sad and when the name Russia was mentioned, just the word Russia. He immediately–instead of being a man and saying this is a hoax, he recused himself and he had a deputy named Rod Rosenstein, who-um [?]–probably–I mean, you’ll see things, coming out. But I learned a lot from Richard Nixon. Don’t fire people. I learned a lot–I studied history and the firing of everybody–I should have in one-way, but I’m glad I didn’t, look at the way it turned out. They are all a bunch of crooks and they got caught, but I learned a lot by watching Richard Nixon. Of course there was one difference–one big difference–number one he may have been guilty and number two he had tapes all over the place–I wasn’t guilty, I did nothing wrong and there are no tapes, but [something possibly I wish there were tapes] in my case. But learned a lot from Richard Nixon and you don’t do that.

*blink blink*

Asked to provide a Mother’s Day Message to all the moms President Incompetent focuses on how great the U.S. Military is.

President Incompetent: Well we will be together–I’m going to Camp David meeting–a big meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff. And Camp David is this very special place. That nobody ever gets to see, but it’s a great work environment and we are going to have meetings on different things. And our military has never looked better–it’s never been better–we’ve never had the kind of equipment we have now. And you know we had planes that were fifty years old and more fighter jets–now we have the best in the world. The F-35 and the F-18, and you know what we have is incredible. The equipment and the–the people we have are great, but you know they have to have equipment and–and we’ve spent 1.5 trillion–really more than that. We’ve totally rebuilt our military–which you have to do–you know I’m a very budget conscience person, but you have to [do it?] the nice thing is it’s all built in the USA and plenty of equipment coming–a lot of this equipment is coming so it’s very important that we have the best military and we have the–our military has never been in condition like it is now and soon will be.

At the 1:16 mark of the 1:55 clip Ainsely Earhardt asks again if he has a message for the moms that are watching.

President Rambles a lot: Well all I can say is Happy Mother’s Day and I had a great mom, I loved my mom, and she loved me–which isn’t hard–which I must tell you is probably not easy to do, but she was so good to me–she was so good–I couldn’t do any wrong–which is a big problem–maybe that’s how come I ended up the way I ended up, but I don’t know I couldn’t do any wrong in her eyes. And I had a great father–great guy very different types, but my mother was a terrific woman. And Melania has been a great mother to Barron, I will tell you that. Barron’s is growing up very beautifully and she’s been a great mother to Barron.

So, you get two highlights, more can be found at @atrupar on Twitter.

President Gives Me a Headache moves on to focus on former National Security Adviser and confessed liar Michael Flynn.

On Thursday AP News reported that in “an abrupt-face,” the Department of Justice dropped the case against former National Security Adviser for President Idiot, Michael Flynn.

Shortly before the court filing Brandon Van Grack, a Special Counsel Robert Mueller team member “and veteran prosecutor on the case, withdrew from the prosecution, a possible sign of disagreement with the decision.”

In the court documents the DOJ explained:

After reviewing newly disclosed information and other materials, it agreed with Flynn’s lawyers that his interview with the FBI should never have taken place because his contacts with the Russian ambassador were “entirely appropriate.”

The U.S. attorney reviewing the Flynn case, Jeff Jensen, formally recommended dropping it to Barr last week, the course of action publicly recommended by Trump, who appointed Barr to head the Justice Department.

AP News. 05/07/2020.


Dec 2nd, 2017.

For this YouTube clip we jump way back in time to yesterday.

In part President Inconsistent says “Flynn was an innocent man.”

On December 18th, 2018, as the News Blender reported at the time Flynn’s sentencing hearing had been delayed, during the hearing asked if he was guilty, Flynn said yes.

End Flashback.

President Who Supports Criminals moves on to all-camp a 2016 campaign slogan.

This post might be-possibly updated.

This is an Open Thread.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend!!!!!!

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Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.

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