Watch Live: President to Announce Rolling Back Regulations

Donald Trump - Riding the Wrecking Ball. Image by DonkeyHotey.

President Low Energy is expected to hold a campaign event dressed up like a Presidential event on Thursday from the White House.

I’m not going to spend time trying to predict the outcome of these remarks. This will be the third day in a row that President Needy has held a campaign like event dressed-up as a Presidential event. It’s not clear if President Needy will take questions from the press.

Live Feeds.


Yahoo Finance.

The White House.

The campaign event is scheduled to start at 4 p.m. D.C. time. It’s a safe bet to assume he’ll be late.

Side note: It has now been 16 hours since his last tweet, I assume following this event that non-tweeting streak will be ended.

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About Tiff 2831 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.