Trump Tweets Ahead of the Presidential Debate, for Tuesday’s Open Thread

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Tuesday aka The First Presidential Debate of the 2020 Election Cycle.

For The First Presidential Debate of the 2020 Election Cycle, President Doesn’t Prep has tweeted 3 time’s and retweeted 0 times so far.

For his debate Prep he tweeted promotion of Senator from Texas Ted Cruz’s latest book “out today!”

Our Great 1st Amendment…

1A =’s Tweeting the words “fake news,” 867 times, nine of which the Trump Twitter Archive records prior to be sworn-in to defend the Constitution that protects the media from the government attempting to silence them.

1A =’s Tweeting 52 times the phrase “Enemy of the People” the first according to the Archive was tweeted on June 17th, 2018, a year after he was sworn-in to defend the Constitution that protects the media from the government attempting to silence them.

our Great 2nd Amendment…

2A =’s December 18th, 2018 CNN reported that the Trump Administration had officially banned bump stocks “which make it easier to fire rounds from a semi-automatic weapon by harnessing the gun’s recoil to “bump” the trigger faster”. President Forgetful bypassed Congress in order to ban what was once labeled a firearm part and not subject to federal regulation.

He moves on in his second tweet to thank a union for their endorsement.

President Pusher in his third tweets pushes followers to vote for him in November.


For What It’s Worth.

During 2016 for the General Election Presidential Debates according to the Trump Twitter Archive President Twitter Debate Prepper tweeted and retweeted a total of 191 times on Debate Day’s.

  1. 9/26/16 =’s 36 tweets and retweets.
  2. 10/9/16 =’s 68 tweets and retweets.
  3. 10/19/16 =’s 87 tweets and retweets.

The tweets and retweets were sent before, during, and after the debates. For the Vice Presidential Debate President Sir-Tweets-A-Lot tweeted and retweeted 56 times.

This post might be updated.

This is an open thread

There will be a debate thread posted this evening.

About the opinions in this article…

Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.

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