Watch Live: DOJ Virtual Presser On a Matter of National Security

Department of Justice headquarters. Photo by Coolcaesar.

The Department of Justice announced on Tuesday evening they would be holding a virtual press conference on a “matter of national security,” on Wednesday at 11 a.m. D.C., time.

In fairness, I have zero idea what this presser is about. Given the election is less than a month away, it might be election related or it could be about the capture of an ISIS’s terror cell which is labeled “The Beatles.”

I can’t embed the video stream of the virtual event that Attorney General the Dumbest Barr is not attending. The stream can be found here.

For What It’s Worth:

On Tuesday the FBI shared a message regarding foreign election inference in an attempt to reassure the public that our upcoming 2020 election will be safe, secure, free, and fair.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.