What Fresh Hell is This? Friday’s Open Thread

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Friday.

We are two and a-half days away from December 14th, 2020, when the Electoral College will meet and cast their votes for President and Vice President separately.

We’ve entered What Fresh Hell is This?, Day 37…

For What Fresh Hell is This?, Day 37 the Outgoing Impeached One-Term Whiny-Bitch has tweeted 11 times and has retweeted 2 times so far.

His first 3 tweets were sent shortly after midnight D.C., time.

12:14 a.m. D.C., time.
12:25 a.m. D.C., time.
12:26 a.m. D.C., time.

1. Newsmax clip.
2. Newsmax clip.
3. Newsmax clip.

The clip, 5 minutes and 38 seconds long, starts with Robot Pence sans Mother at a rally where he says the Outgoing President deserves his day in court, the “Supreme Court,” that is, because we are to pretend he and his allies aren’t 1 win to their 55 losses.
I made it to the 45 second mark, in which the “news anchor,” says “now the Trump campaign is a party to this lawsuit.”
Narrator: No, they have filed a motion to intervene, the Supreme Court has not allowed that intervention as of yet.

I paused again, at the 2 minute and 15 second mark. Eastman, without irony says “Why would even the Biden camp, not want to actually have a court look at the data, look at the violations of state law…”

I stopped at the 1 minute and 9 second mark, when the man whined the words, “the poor president was raising these issues at the debate.” I don’t know what the man said after that, because bitch, please, with the gaslighting nonsense. The “president” was not raising issues relating to President-Elect Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden’s taxes, he was raising the question about his laptop, the one that was “found” by Rudy Giuliani in a blind-man’s tech., repair store in Delaware.

On Wednesday the Biden-Harris Transition team issued a statement from Hunter Biden, that announced his legal team had been notified he was under investigation.

I learned yesterday for the first time that the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware advised my legal counsel, also yesterday, that they are investigating my tax affairs. I take this matter very seriously but I am confident that a professional and objective review of these matters will demonstrate that I handled my affairs legally and appropriately, including with the benefit of professional tax advisors.

buildbackbetter.gov. Hunter Biden, 12/09/2020.

President-elect Biden is deeply proud of his son, who has fought through difficult challenges, including the vicious personal attacks of recent months, only to emerge stronger.

buildbackbetter.gov. Biden-Harris Transition, 12/09/2020.

The complaint as near as I can guess is that, how come the media didn’t report this before the election. That’s easy, the media didn’t know about, just like we didn’t know. Because and I hope y’all are sitting down for this shocking news; Investigators typically do not inform the public of on-going investigations, they are privately conducted, especially when the person is a private citizen.

We are sticking with “Greg Kelly” reports, this time the clip is 6 minutes and 51 seconds long and starts with a clip from a “hearing” held in GA, on Thursday. He then goes on to introduce two guests, one of which was mentioned in Monday’s Open Thread, Garland Favorito.

Favorito appeared on OAN, speaking for his Voter GA, voter integrity group. Favorito believes that based on 37 votes that switched from One-Termer to President-Elect Biden, that all Dominion machines were bad and he suspects malware is at fault.

Yeah, the whole clip, and boy was that a struggle, is based on speculation of what Garland thinks happened in GA, and the witness to troubling things in Fulton thought she saw.

Narrator: The 37 votes switched from Trump to Biden was a human error, it was not a machine error.

6:49 a.m. D.C., time.

4. Mixes all-caps with regular text.

On October 7th, 2020, the Washington Post announced that they had filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request in April of this year, seeking information on troop deployments, that the Trump Administration stopped reporting in December of 2017. The request came as part of their attempt to fact-check Draft Dodgers claims that he brought troops home. The Pentagon ignored their request. In response to that the Post sued the U.S. Government.

President Trump has repeatedly said he’s terminating “the era of endless wars” and bringing troops home. But is that at all true? And if troops are returning home as quickly as Trump has claimed, is he being upfront about what’s going on in the countries they leave behind?

But the Trump administration stopped releasing data on troop deployments in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria starting in December 2017, which makes it extremely difficult to see whether they’re really withdrawing troops as the president said they would. Before then, under both Republican and Democratic administrations, the Defense Department made publicly available the number of U.S. civilian and military personnel serving in these countries in quarterly manpower reports.

To restart the release of this information, we filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request in April, but the Pentagon failed to respond. So we sued the U.S. government Wednesday to release this data, as well as information that shows why these records were kept hidden from the American public. The Project on Government Oversight will be filing a complaint as well in the coming days.

Washington Post. 10/07/2020.

The Pentagon announced in early September new draw-downs of U.S. troops, “in Iraq and Afghanistan. In Iraq, the military said the number of U.S. troops would fall from 5,200 to 3,000. In Afghanistan, the number is supposed to fall to 4,500 by November. In June, the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan was reportedly at 8,600.”

7:11 a.m. D.C., time.

5. Tells the FDA to “stop playing games and start saving lives”.

On Thursday the FDA advisory committee gave a green light to Pfizer-BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine. Following that development the FDA on Friday released the following statement:

Following yesterday’s positive advisory committee meeting outcome regarding the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has informed the sponsor that it will rapidly work toward finalization and issuance of an emergency use authorization. The agency has also notified the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Operation Warp Speed, so they can execute their plans for timely vaccine distribution.

The FDA, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, protects the public health by assuring the safety, effectiveness, and security of human and veterinary drugs, vaccines and other biological products for human use, and medical devices. The agency also is responsible for the safety and security of our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, dietary supplements, products that give off electronic radiation, and for regulating tobacco products.

FDA Statement. 12/11/2020.

Dr. Stephen Hahn the Commissioner of the FDA, tweeted the statement shortly after Wants Credit But No Criticism Ever at’d the Commissioner accusing him of playing games.

at 10:32 a.m. D.C., time, Asshole posted a related tweet to the vaccine.

11. Quotes Fox Business calling for himself to get all the credit for the vaccine.

7:22 a.m. D.C., time.

6. I got nothing, this is just plain dumbness.

Now they want to come in and take over one of the “greatest and fastest medical miracles in modern day history.” I don’t think so!

See? It’s a campaign tweet, but post-election, it’s just stupid. Because the transition of power is happening regardless of his feelings, and then of course there is that whole the “fucking your feelings crowd” sure has a lot of fucking hurt feelings, that he lost.

7. Channels a beauty pageant contestant.

7:52 a.m. D.C., time.
8:16 a.m. D.C., time.
9:15 a.m. D.C., time.

8. Now it…

9. Now that…

10. Now it…

Regarding 10…

Regarding 8 and 9…

8…his call was not perfect, in fact, it made him the 3rd ever Impeached President. For all of history he will have the “*” by his name.

9…it conceded again, though, I expect at any moment he’ll tweet how he won the election and he’ll never concede.

November 15th 2020, at 7:47 a.m. D.C., time.

Same day 9:19 a.m. D.C., time.

This post might be updated.

This many sleeps until…

Quadrillion years until…

This is an open thread

As of publish time, we have not heard word from the Supreme Court yet, over the terrible lawsuit filed by Texas AG Ken Paxton…

About the opinions in this article…

Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.