President Biden Tweets for Friday’s Open Thread

Pardon Our Mess. Photo by Marty Mankins.

It’s Friday.

For Friday May 28th, 2021, President Biden will have received his daily brief. He will have also delivered remarks with Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia to celebrate the progress Virginia has in the fight against COVID-19.

This afternoon the President and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden deliver remarks from Joint Base Langley-Eustis located in Hampton, Virginia.

When Thursday’s Open Thread was posted President Biden had tweeted just one-time. He added 8 tweets and 1 retweet giving him a Thursday Tweeting Total of 9 tweets and 1 retweet.

He resumed tweeting by sharing a live feed to his remarks on the economy.

The live stream is 46 minutes and 53 seconds long. President Biden begins speaking at the 3 minute and 40 second mark. His full remarks can be found here. The timestamp says he spoke from 2:33 p.m., and concluded at 3:02 p.m. D.C., time.

As is his habit, Thursday’s tweets reflect text taken directly from his remarks.

President Biden (7:06): We’ve turned the tide on the once-in-a-century pandemic.  We’ve turned the tide on a once-in-a-generation economic crisis.  And families are beginning to be able to breathe just a little bit easier. We still have work to do, but our future today is as bright and as wide open as it ever has been.  And now we’re faced with a question: What kind of economy are we going to build for tomorrow?  What are we going to do? 

President Biden (12:45): And now, 50 percent of all of America — more than any other country — is fully vaccinated.

President Biden (9:20): But in my first three months in office, the economy has added back 500,000 jobs per month.  In fact, we’ve created — with the help, again, of the members of Congress that are here today — 1.5 million jobs, more jobs than have ever been created in the first three months of any presidency in the history United States.

President Biden (9:42): Before I took office, the average initial claims for unemployment insurance were over 830,000.  This morning, we learned that number has fallen below 460,000 — cut in half the — and we’re at the lowest level we’ve seen since March 2020 when the pandemic first struck.

President Biden (11:04): To sum it up: COVID cases are down, COVID deaths are down, unemployment filings are down, hunger is down, vaccinations are up, jobs are up, growth is up, people gaining health coverage is up, small business confidence is up.  Put it simply: America is coming back.  America is on the move. 

President Biden (17:28): The bottom line — the bottom line is this: The Biden economic plan is working.  We’ve had record job creation.  We’re seeing record economic growth.  We’re creating a new paradigm — one that rewards work, the working people in this nation, not just those at the top.

President Biden (7:34): I believe this is our moment to rebuild an economy from the bottom up and the middle out, not a trickle-down economy from the very wealthy. That has never benefited people who are at this college or any other place where they’re trying to make a living. To build an economy that rewards work, not just wealth. An economy that works for the backbone of this country — the people who get up every single day, work hard, raise their families, pay their taxes, serve their country, volunteer in their communities — just looking for a little bit of breathing room.

President Biden (9:11): When I was sworn in, there were 10 million fewer jobs in America, and a lot here in Ohio.  But in my first three months in office, the economy has added back 500,000 jobs per month.  In fact, we’ve created — with the help, again, of the members of Congress that are here today — 1.5 million jobs, more jobs than have ever been created in the first three months of any presidency in the history United States.

President Biden (29:56): And look, this is about choice.  We can give — we can keep giving every break in the world to corporations and CEOs, or we can raise the corporate tax rate back to 28 percent.  It was, by the way, 36 percent.  It came down to 28 percent, which is still lower than it was at any point between World War One and 2017, and they’re making trillions of dollars.

President Biden (34:22): But they’re not spending money to educate the workforce, so imagine what we’d do — corporate America benefits with a better-educated population.  Do you want to give the wealthiest people in America another tax cut?  I — by the way, I don’t begrudge them the money they made, just start paying your fair share, just a little bit. 

President Biden (24:17): And then two years of free community college.  Free community college to better prepare our people to get these good-paying jobs of the future — jobs I saw students training for throughout the Manufacturing Technology Center. 

President Biden (7:06): We’ve turned the tide on the once-in-a-century pandemic.  We’ve turned the tide on a once-in-a-generation economic crisis.  And families are beginning to be able to breathe just a little bit easier. We still have work to do, but our future today is as bright and as wide open as it ever has been.  And now we’re faced with a question: What kind of economy are we going to build for tomorrow?  What are we going to do? I believe this is our moment to rebuild an economy from the bottom up and the middle out, not a trickle-down economy from the very wealthy.  That has never benefited people who are at this college or any other place where they’re trying to make a living. To build an economy that rewards work, not just wealth. 

For Friday he has tweeted 8 times. Yep, I’ve counted correctly, it’s 8 so far.

See above cause as near as I can tell, these are just his remarks from yesterday in graph form. The first image says the source is “Blue Chip Consensus”, the rest are taken from government agencies.

For his 8th tweet he shared a live feed to his remarks with Governor Northam.

The press briefing is an Air Force One press gaggle.

President Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden’s remarks are expected at 1:20 p.m. D.C., time.

After their remarks the Biden’s will spend Memorial weekend at their home in Delaware.

This is an open thread

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.