President Biden Tweets for Monday’s Open Thread

Pardon Our Mess. Photo by Marty Mankins.

It’s Monday.

For Monday, May 17th, 2021, President Biden will have arrived back to the White House after spending the weekend at his home in Delaware. He’ll have received his daily brief. This afternoon he will deliver remarks on the coronavirus response and the vaccination program.

When Friday’s Open Thread was published President Biden had not tweeted.

And now, this is where, I announce something new with the tweets…

It’s going to be one of those things, that’s easier to show versus tell.

For Friday President Biden tweeted 4 times and retweeted 1 time. On Saturday he tweeted 3 times. On Sunday he tweeted 3 times.

Friday he says if you are fully vaccinate you can mostly stop wearing a mask.

On Saturday he shares a 3 minute and 38 second video that explains the vaccine program and the new mask guidance.

The video is part of the on the line weekly conversation series. Dr. Anthony Fauci, Kizzmekia Corbett part of the team that helped develop one of the coronavirus vaccine, and U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy answers questions regarding the vaccine and mask guidance.

I’m not going to transcribe the video as it’s one of those that jumps around to who is speaking. The gist of the video says that the vaccine is safe, that research shows the vaccines are highly effective, and that if someone says they don’t want to get the vaccine you should explain that doctors and nurses are not only recommending the vaccine but also taking it, meaning it’s safe.

One question was asked about how come kids weren’t eligible before to get the vaccine and how come now only 12-15 year-old’s are.

Dr. Fauci says: Children as well as pregnant women are particularly vulnerable because we want to make sure about safety before we give them the vaccine. We already know 12-15 is okay, but we’re going to go twelve to nine years old, nine to six, six to two, and if that works well, we’ll go six months to two years. And if all of those look well, then vaccine will be available to children of any age.

And just in case you hadn’t heard, fully vaccinated people can go maskless.

I’m going to continue to wear my mask.

On Sunday he says we’ve come along way against the coronavirus but please get vaccinated.

If you know someone in your life who hasn’t got vaccinated, they can go to to find a location near them. Or, you can go to the same website and tell them where the vaccine is available.

On Friday he moved away from the coronavirus to focus on the American Jobs Plan, the American Families Plan, and the Made in America Tax Plan.

The Made in America Tax Plan information is located at the bottom of the American Jobs Plan fact-sheet.

On Sunday he said we need the American Jobs Plan.

On Friday moving away for a second from his American Plans he urges Congress to pass the “U.S. Citizenship Act.”

It took until Sunday for him to share an image from his meeting with 6 Dreamers that met with him in the Oval on Friday.

The White House published a read out on the meeting.

Today, President Biden met with six DACA recipients who work in health care, education, and agriculture to discuss their experiences on the frontlines of the pandemic. President Biden reiterated his support for Dreamers, TPS holders, farmworkers, and other essential immigrant workers. The President and the Dreamers also discussed the continued need for immigration reform and the White House’s strong support for the Dream and Promise Act and the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, two bills that have already passed the House with bipartisan support and are awaiting action in the Senate.

White 05/14/2021.

His non-related to the pandemic or his American Plans tweet was to say that his Administration is “committed to doing everything,” they can for men and women who serve as Police Officers.

The Proclamation was issued on May 7th, 2021:

Every day, we ask a great deal of the men and women of our Nation’s law enforcement agencies; from ensuring public safety, to serving as front-line workers, to responding to incidents involving domestic violence, substance use disorders, mental health challenges, and homelessness, often with limited resources.  Every morning, our Nation’s law enforcement officers pin on a badge and go to work, not knowing what the day will bring, and hoping to come home safely.  This year, even as the COVID-19 pandemic took a physical, mental, and emotional toll, our officers, deputies, and troopers demonstrated courage and dedication in continuing to support our communities.  As we recognize Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week, we honor those who lost their lives in the line of duty, and thank them on behalf of this grateful Nation for their service.

The economic toll of the COVID-19 pandemic has strained State, local, and Tribal budgets — forcing many communities to stretch their funding, consider layoffs, and reduce public services.  My Administration will support our Nation’s law enforcement agencies and officers and work to ensure they have the resources and research tools they need to do their jobs successfully and the funding necessary to enhance officer safety and wellness, including improving access to mental health services.  We will also continue to bolster initiatives that protect our law enforcement officers’ physical safety — including those that provide for bulletproof vests and active shooter training. 

This year, we also recognize that in many of our communities, especially Black and brown communities, there is a deep sense of distrust towards law enforcement; a distrust that has been exacerbated by the recent deaths of several Black and brown people at the hands of law enforcement.  These deaths have resulted in a profound fear, trauma, pain, and exhaustion for many Black and brown Americans, and the resulting breakdown in trust between law enforcement and the communities they have sworn to protect and serve ultimately makes officers’ jobs harder and more dangerous as well.  In order to rebuild that trust, our State, local, and Federal Government and law enforcement agencies must protect constitutional rights, ensure accountability for misconduct, and embrace policing that reflects community values and ensures community safety.  These approaches benefit those who wear the badge and those who count on their protection.

We must also stop tasking law enforcement with problems that are far beyond their jurisdictions.  From providing emergency health care to resolving school discipline issues, our communities rely on the police to perform services that often should be the duty of other institutions.  We then accuse the police of failure when responsibility lies with public policy choices they did not make.  Supporting our law enforcement officers requires that we invest in underfunded public systems that provide health care, counseling, housing, education, and other social services.

There are many ways we can demonstrate appreciation for our law enforcement heroes.  We recognize acts of bravery through the Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor and the Law Enforcement Congressional Badge of Bravery.  We must also acknowledge the challenge and value of their service through the Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act of 2017 and the Supporting and Treating Officers in Crisis Act of 2019.  Should tragedy strike, Public Safety Officers’ benefits must be available for the families of officers who lose their lives or are catastrophically injured in the line of duty.

This country asks much of our Federal, State, Tribal, and local police officers and deputies, and it is our solemn responsibility to ensure that those who protect and serve have the training, resources, and support they need to do their jobs well.  My Administration will do everything we can to support the men and women who so courageously protect us. 
By a joint resolution approved October 1, 1962, as amended (76 Stat. 676), and by Public Law 103-322, as amended (36 U.S.C. 136-137), the President has been authorized and requested to designate May 15 of each year as “Peace Officers Memorial Day” and the week in which it falls as “Police Week.”

White 05/07/2021.

10 tweets and 1 retweet from Friday to Sunday, is not bad, I still hate them, but I can acknowledge he isn’t as bad as the other one.

For Monday he’s tweeted 2 times so far.

It’s all about them jobs, jobs, jobs.

He then moves on to say for those without insurance they should join “over” one million other Americans who’ve signed up for health insurance.

The White House daily press briefing is scheduled for 12:00 p.m. D.C., time. We will be joining the program in progress or concluded. I blame myself.

President Biden remarks on the coronavirus response and vaccinations is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. D.C., time.

This is an open thread

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.