Weekend Update for Saturday’s Open Thread

Canary. Photo by 4028mdk09.

It’s Saturday.

I thought this Saturday I would mention a few news items that made the rounds throughout the news, on Twitter, and appeared in the comment section. It won’t be a deep dive, more like a shallow look-see around the interwebs.

We travel to Wyoming first:

Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney is facing a slew of challengers, but one man, a Wyoming State Senator Anthony Bouchard, appeared to take the lead in getting ahead of a story that would seem to be a negative against his intent to challenge Cheney a woman not seen as “American First” aka “Trump” enough for the GOP’s liking.

The story he said on Facebook Live according to the Washington Post was that he at 18 fathered a child with a woman that was “a little younger,” than he was. Apparently he didn’t disclose the woman’s aka child’s age when he initially told his story.

Bouchard first acknowledged that he impregnated a girl when he was 18 in a Facebook Live video, but did not initially disclose her age. He confirmed to the Casper Star-Tribune that the girl was 14 and the couple, who were both living in Florida, later married when she was 15 and he was 19.

[his quote that made the tweeting rounds]

So, bottom line, it’s a story when I was young, two teenagers, girl gets pregnant. You’ve heard those stories before. She was a little younger than me, so it’s like the Romeo and Juliet story.”

[They divorced after three years of marriage, two years later the 20 year old woman committed suicide he explained it in the FB Live]

Her dad had committed suicide. For whatever reason, she decided to do the same.

Washington Post. 05/21/2021.

But no worries apparently the fact that they decided to keep the baby is a selling point for someone…

Reminder she was 14, married at 15, and dead at 20, but yeah, I’m sure the Almighty is nothing but smiles.

*deep breath*

Moving on to what’s the loser done this time news…

I know the term “loser” could mean anyone, but this time I mean Texas Senator Ted Cruz…


Sounds bad, but is it?


It took him hours to get there, but finally…

Right…okay, this is your friendly reminder that Google is free and it’s the same for everyone.

Earlier that day…

He attempted to defend his sharing of Russian propaganda by…

NCMountainGirl shared the following Washington Post Analysis of Ted Cruz and Cruz’s Twitter feed. And having just visited said Twitter feed, Aaron Blake is not incorrect when he writes “Cruz’s Twitter feed and even his public persona have long been less formal and more in-your-face than most any other member of his party. But of late he seems to have stepped up the effort, and that includes, much like Trump, latching onto undercooked claims and culture wars other Republicans have shied from.”

The most recent example involves Cruz favorably comparing Russia’s military recruitment videos to the U.S. Army’s. He retweeted a viral video that spliced together a hard-nosed Russian ad featuring a man getting his head shaved, jumping out of an airplane and doing push-ups, with the American ad featuring the well-educated daughter of two women talking about why she enlisted.

A Cruz spokesperson told The Post that the military should be focused on winning wars: “Sen. Cruz passionately supports the brave men and women of the United States military and has repeatedly expressed concerns that Democrat politicians, left wing bureaucrats, and the media are politicizing our armed forces to promote a fringe woke agenda based on identity politics.”

In addition to the obvious explanation being that the Newseum building was being re-purposed for a new owner, a Google search would have quickly informed that the 50-ton tablet was merely being moved — not destroyed — to the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.

What’s more, the transfer of the tablet is being paid for by none other than a former federal judge for whom Cruz once served as a clerk, J. Michael Luttig.

Luttig, whom Cruz once said he would have picked for the Supreme Court, responded to Cruz: “Had he asked, I would have told @SenCruz once again that the facts matter and it was foolish of him to demagogue the Constitution by mocking the removal of the iconic First Amendment tablet for reinstallation at its new home at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.”

Washington Post. 05/22/2021.

And Blake notes something I missed…

Blake explains: Except the reason was less than bizarre: Biden was following the U.S. flag code. The code doesn’t allow for the flags to be at half-staff when Peace Officers Memorial Day falls on the same day as Armed Forces Day, which happens periodically.

Why does this matter, well, partly, I supported Cruz in 2016, and now I’m periodically reminded that that support was misguided, also, based on his Twitter feed Blake’s headline; Ted Cruz turns up the trolling to fill the Trump Twitter void is 100 percent accurate. This leads me to believe that he is planning on possibly running for President again, in 2024, if his boss and cult leader the former President still Impeached Twice decides against running himself.

In President Biden/Israel News…

As the News Blender explained on Friday, on Thursday Israel announced that a cease-fire agreement had been reached 11 days after the latest conflict between Israel and Hamas began.

On Friday during a joint press conference with the Republic of Korea President H.E. Moon Jae-in, he was asked about the “shift” of the Democratic party away from support of Israel’s right to defend themselves. The reporter noted that some Democrats in D.C., have gone as far as to demand that Biden’s Administration stop a $735 million arms sale to Israel, that Reuters said was approved by the admin earlier this year with a formal notice being sent to Congress on May 5th, 2021.

President Biden said that there is no shift as a whole among the party and that he still believes in a two-state solution. He went on to say; My party still supports Israel. Let’s get something straight: until the region says unequivocally they acknowledge the right of Israel to exist as an independent Jewish state, there will be no peace.

The video is cued to the full question asked and President Biden’s response. The quote I used can be found at the 18 minute and 51 second mark.

To wrap up our Saturday look back at the interwebs, we put to rest a left over question from 2019.

In August of 2019 the Wall Street Journal reported that the now former-President then President Silly Ass Clown had in conversations with aides floated with varying degrees of seriousness that the U.S., should buy Greenland.

Well, I can confirm, via the State Department transcript of a joint-press availability with “Greenlandic Premier Mute Egede, Greenlandic Foreign Minister Pele Broberg, and Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod,” that the U.S., is no longer interested in purchasing the autonomous Danish territory.

QUESTION: Thank you very much. Mr. Secretary, an unusual question for some unusual times we’ve lived through recently. Can you definitively say that the United States does not seek to buy Greenland? And given the rising death toll between Israel and Hamas and calls for U.S. involvement, do you think it was a mistake not to add a stop to the Middle East on this trip? Also, could you comment on just breaking reports that the Israeli cabinet has approved a ceasefire to end the offensive in Gaza? Premier Egede, when so much discourse about Greenland surrounds it being a space of natural resource potential or strategic, geopolitical competition, does that kind of talk cheapen the value of the 56,000 people who live here? Or is it a source of pride? And the same question for Foreign Minister Kofod.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said: I’m happy to start. The answer to the very first part of your question is I can confirm that’s correct.Second, with regard to Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza, I’ve seen these emerging reports of a ceasefire. I can’t confirm them. I expect to be speaking to the Israeli Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi as soon as we get on the plane and start heading back home, so I’ll know more then. I am prepared at any time to go to Israel, to the Middle East, if that would serve the purpose of moving beyond the violence and helping to work on improving lives for Israelis and Palestinians alike. And so if there’s a good time to do that, that’s certainly something I intend to do. Right now, we’re focused on hopefully seeing that these reports are real and that, as President Biden said, we have a genuine de-escalation and a ceasefire.

I’m disappointed I could not find video footage of the exchange. Also note, that while we mocked the idiot wonder, his floating and confirmation as he did, that yes, he was interested in purchasing Greenland did in fact cause uncertainty in Greenland and abroad.

The above clip does not include video footage of the answer either, but does show morons confirming that he was interested in the idea that we could just buy Greenland.

Happy Saturday…

This is an open thread

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Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.